Don't Ever Leave Me

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Kendall grinned and with a laugh, she ran at Bret and wrapped her slender arms around his neck, pulling him close to her. His deep chuckle reverbrated in her ear and sent chills down her spine. "Hello to you too beautiful," He detangled her arms from around his neck and handed her the rose. "I hope you slept well, because we have a big day ahead of us!" The excitement was building in Kendall's chest and she couldn't take it anymore. She playfully snatched the helmet from his fingers, "Then let's go! Time is wasting!" Sticking the helmet over her short cropped hair, Kendall swung a leg over the motorcycle and lifted the visor to grin at Bret. He seemed a bit startled, but pleased at the sme time. "Anything you say darling." He climbed onto the motorcycle in front of her and started the loud engine. They pulled away from the curb and once again Kendall had the feeling of complete safety. She knew Bret would never let anything happen to her.

When they stopped, she was startled, not even realizing that she had fallen asleep. Bret chuckled at Kendall's groggy expression as she took off the helmet and she playfully swung at his arm. "Where are we Bret?" "Somewhere really special. Come on." He held out his hand and the dark haired beauty took it and stepped close to him as they walked. The scenery was beautiful and Kendall couldn't resist looking at and touching everything they walked past. A small chipmunk ran by her feet and she jumped back; startled. Bret noticed and laughed quietly before lifting her up into his arms, bridal style. "We're almost there!" He grinned like a child about to open presents on Christmas and she reached up to take his sunglasses off his face and place them on her own. "You look so good in those. Keep them. I have a few other pairs." "Are you sure Bret? I don't want to take your aviators..." His smiled widened and he looked down at her, "I want you to have them." Saying this, he pressed his lips to hers to stop her protests. Before he could pull away, Kendall reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss for a few moments before the kiss broke to allow them both to breathe. "Bret?" "Yes Kendall?" 

"Where are we going?"

"It's still a surprise love." The teasing tone of his voice brought a smile to her lips and she nodded and laid her head against his chest. "Fine." She whined playfully, pretending to punch his arm. 

"Hey Bret?" "Yes Kendall?"

"Don't ever leave me okay?"

Reckless - Bret Von Dehl Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now