Another Day

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(So, Kendall liked this fanfiction so I decided to continue it c: So here we goooooo!)

After nearly an hour of just sitting in the restaurant talking about the possibilites, Kendall and Bret finally left the pub. When he dropped her off at the hotel, she couldn't help the tears that fell down her cheeks. She never wanted this night to end. The thought of Bret leaving already left a hollow in her chest. Bret saw her tears and pulled her against his chest, "'s okay...I'll see you tomorrow. I'm not dissapearing Kendall. Don't worry babe." He kissed her softly on the lips and watched until she was in the building. When she stepped inside she heard the roar of his motorcycle and a small smile touched her lips. Bret Von Dehl was hers. All hers.

"Kendall!" A blur of brown hair and Nikkie was pressed up against her; hugging her tightly and babbling  away and asking questions about how the night had went. Lyndsey joined them in the small living room of the hotel and listened to Kendall recount the events of the night. Both her and Nikkie squealed in excitement when she told them how he had kissed her and asked her out. Nikkie started giggling, "When you get older you're gonna get married at Warped Tour and have little aviator wearing babies!" Kendall laughed and shoved her playfully, "And you're gonna marry Niall and have little leprachaun snowflake children and Lyndsey's gonna marry Austin Carlile and have children who carry Squidgy everywhere!" The girls erupted in laughter and spent the rest of the night discussing their futures with band members.

It was a good night.

The next morning Kendall sat bolt upright and grabbed her phone.

Bret: You up beautiful? 

Kendall: Just woke up! Not feeling so beautiful with this major bed head I've got going on!

Bret: I bet you look perfect anyways! Is it okay if I swing by to pick up in an hour or so?

Kendall: Yeah, sounds good :) See you then!

Kendall grabbed her bag and ran into the bathroom to tame her bed head and put on makeup before Bret came. Lyndsey sleepily walked into the bathroom, "What's the rush?" "Bret is coming to get me in an hour! I have no idea where we're going but I'm excited." "You should be! Have fun girl!" Lyndsey hugged her and went back to bed. 

When she was pleased with her hair and makeup, Kendall took the steps two at a time down to the lobby where her rocker boyfriend stood waiting; motorcycle helmet in one hand and a single rose in the other.

Fuck. He was perfect.

Reckless - Bret Von Dehl Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now