Chapter 8

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Hey guys and girls, sorry about the wait. I was doing a few thing these past days, so very busy. Anyways let's get into the story shall we :p
Enjoy m8's.
We drove for hours upon hours, I was still locked to Lee's arm. I broke my stare off of Larry to look out the window.
It was getting dark, the woods looked even more scary in the dark. But part of me wanted to go into the woods to scout around, maybe find Bigfoot, I mean if walking dead people are real why wouldn't big foot be real? I looked up at Lee.

"Lee, is big foot real."

He looked down at me with half a smile trying not to laugh.

"No sweet pea, you don't have to worry about big foot." He said grinning.

I wasn't worried about big foot, I wanted to look for him, well I guess everything in story books don't exist.

Finally the vehicle stopped. We where at a motel. The place looked beat up, but it was better than nothing.
We all got out and went towards a motorhome that was stranded here. Everyone started looking threw the rooms of the motel. I went into the motorhome and looked around, I heard a noise come from the bathroom, I quickly rushed to the drawers of the counter to look for something sharp enough to go threw a skull. Finally I found a kitchen knife in the third drawer. My hand was shaky as I grabbed it, not because I was scared but because I was nervous of being see with a kitchen knife about to kill a walker.
I looked through the big window of the motorhome making sure no one was looking.

"Good, no ones looking." I whispered to myself.

I started walking towards the bathroom door, the knife out I front of me. I put my hand on the door handle, pushed the button to open it , and swung the door open. I was right it was a walker. It fell on top of me like the last Waller from a bathroom did. But this time I was going to kill it.
To walker started pushing on my chest, I did a little squeal as I pushed the walker off onto it back. With a thud I flung myself on top and pierced a hole into the walkers skull with the knife.
Out of breath I got off of the walker and pulled the knife out of its head, blood splattered as I pulled it out.

"One day, I'll kill a herd of you... And I'll survive." I looked down at the walker whispering to its lifeless body.
I heard a door slam outside and quickly rushed out at the same time putting the knife in my pocket and hiding it under my long shirt.
I went to the back of the motorhome and saw Duck.
Great I thought to myself, now I have to deal with this kid.

"Hey clementine." He ran up to me and started talking.

I wasn't listening, I stared at the ground as I thought about how good it felt killing a walker, and that I couldn't believe that I actually did it. I must of looked sad because Lee came over to check on me.

"Oh Clem it was amazing it was the best video game and I-" Lee interrupted Duck.

"Shut it for a while, okay Duck." Lee said sternly.

"Yes sir." Duck replied running off to Kenny and Katjaa.

"You alright Clem?" Lee asked kneeling down towards me.

What was I going to say... Yeah I'm fine just killed a walker, no he would probably get mad and tell me to never do that again.

"I'm fine...just a bit hungry." I lied, I wasn't that hungry anymore after I lost my appetite because what Larry had done to Lee.

"Is he staying with us?" I asked Lee.

Lee looked at Larry.

"Unfortunately, yeah he is." He said upset. "But it's okay Clem, he won't do it again." Lee said walking off towards Larry's direction.

I leaned against the motorhome, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. It was quite. I listened to the breeze blow threw the threes. Suddenly I saw Glenn packing up some stuff ready to head back to Atlanta. I quickly ran up to him before Lee could get there.

"Where you going?" I asked knowing the answer.
"I'm heading back to Atlanta, my family is gone there's no reason for me to stay here in Michigan. Plus I have a group back around Atlanta." Glenn answered. He smiled and looked at me. Lee had come up behind me.

"Where you off to?" He's asked. Glenn repeated what he said to me to Lee, then he left. I then realized that Glenn still had my walkie talkie. It was to late now. As we stood there the cool breeze blew on our faces, then I heard a crack and the lights that light up the sign for the motel and the street lights went out.
We had no more power.
Damn no more power for the group... Or should I say for the world. Did you all enjoy this chapter? If so plz comment. I'll try and post another chapter, sorry this one was short.

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