Room of Demons

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I open my eyes to darkness. The lights are off. I suddenly remember the events of last night. I had been home alone all night and my parents weren't coming home until the following afternoon. My thoughts are cut short by a slithering sound coming from the floor. My heart skips a beat. Not knowing what I would find, I lean over the rail of my loft bed. I lurch backwards and hit my head against the wall because what I see makes me want to scream, but I hold it in. Hundreds upon thousands of rattlesnakes are sliding and twisting, slithering and turning around the floor, their rattles rattling. My room is pitch black except for the small amount of light coming from my clock, which reads 12:13 am. I have only one thought: I have to get out of here. As soon as my eyes adjust to the darkness, I climb down from my loft bed and carefully attempt to tiptoe over the snakes. After about three feet, I lose my balance and step on one of them. It shrieks an unearthly scream which promptly alerts the others to my presence. I fly out of the room and slam the door shut, not caring how many serpents I squish. I lean against the door and breathe a short lived sigh of relief. Knowing that I have to get out of the house now, I look out into the living room, only to have the terror be reinstalled into my system by at least 100 pairs of red eyes staring straight at me. In the silence, I can even hear the flicking of their tongues as they try to catch my scent. So, doing what any logical person would do, I decide to make a run for it. I sprint out of my house, room after room, open the front door, and slam it shut behind me. I run to the car, but as I try to climb in, I realize that in my panic I had forgotten to get the keys. My heart is pounding in my chest as I run inside to grab the keys. I barely make it out of the door before the demons start pouring out. I scramble to the car and fumble with the key, trying frantically to get it into the keyhole. It clicks into place and I climb into the car. I watch the evil creatures try to slither into the car for a few seconds before I feel a mask being slid across my face. I don't even have time to panic before everything starts to fade away...

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