Chapter •4•

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Before we begin, I just wanted to tell you, in this story, Humans are slightly different then us, they're more animalistic, barbaric, and strong, but at the same time, they're smart. I can't say anything else or I'll spoil some of the plot.

Oh, and I might be changing the story cover, so be prepared for that if I do end up changing it.

Guys, I am Satan...

Guys, I am Satan

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After Johnny's astonishing discovery about the different types of food the human girl would eat, he began to relax slightly, since she wasn't as skinny as she was a couple of weeks ago and now he knew that meat wasn't the only thing she would eat.

Of course, after the first time he had set the plate of fruits out for her, she became suspicious about what he brought her, even going as far as to wait for him to show up earlier then when he got there.

It scared the absolute crap out of him the first time it happened and he rounded the corner, only to see the human pacing the place where he normally left the food. Thank god she was facing away from him as he silently snuck out of there.

But after a couple of days of not being able to leave food for her, she became hungry enough to ignore whatever she was worried about and he could leave fruit for her again.

So here he was, watching her, in the same spot he has been observing in for the past two months or so.

From all this time, he had come to learn that she had a habit of tapping her fingers on anything she could whenever she was thinking or just lost in her thoughts, that she didn't like beets, from the times he brought her beets and she didn't eat them, only poked them with her fingers or pushed them aside, that she was very focused and aware of everything around her, if anything made a noise, she heard it, and lastly... she loved mangos.

It was always the first thing she ate on the fruit plates that he brought her. So he made it to where there were more mangos on her plate then anything else... which he felt proud to have done for her.

He knew it was bad... that it was horrible of him and he shouldn't even have a glimmer of the thoughts in his head... that he had gone mad... but... in his mind... the human girl was all he could think about... what he would bring her next, when he would see her next.... when he would actually get to make eye contact with her....

He had grown an unhealthy crush on the Animal-Eating Human...

But no matter what he did, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to be closer to the strange being that he had been helping for the past two months.

Even if he knew it was wrong on so many levels.


Johnny was in his kitchen, so early in the morning that the moon was still faintly visible over the horizon.

He was searching for some more fruits to bring the human girl, but couldn't find anything... only a single Mango.

What happened to all the fruit he bought?

"So... where have you been runin' off to this early in the morning huh?" A tired voice called out from behind him, causing his heart to stop as he hit the top of his head on the fridge.

He hissed as he backed away from the fridge, holding his head in one hand, while the other held the mango.

It was his father who stood in the doorway, he could make out his crossed arms in the dark, waiting for Johnny's answer. Their only light coming for the fridge, which eventually shut as the silence began to settle in, the only thing keeping them from complete silence being the running of the fridge.

"I...I.... what happened to all the fruit I bought?" Johnny asked nervously, changing the subject as casually as someone who had just been caught about to sneak out of the house could.

His father raised an eyebrow at this. "The gang came over yesterday and ate them... were they for someone else?" He questioned, while giving his son a suspicious glare.

Johnny glanced impatiently out the kitchen window, seeing the sun beginning to rise slowly, the room beginning to grow less dark by the second. He was losing time, he would normally be there by now!

"No!" He quickly countered, which only made his father's suspicions rise. "I-uh... I best be going. I've got a lot to do!" Johnny added, beginning to make his way to the front door, forgetting his skateboard in his rush to get out the door, completely avoiding his father's questions.

Once he shut the door, his father gave a frustrated sigh as he walked back to his room. Why wouldn't Johnny just talk to him?

Many questions and theories zoomed through his mind as he tried to piece together a reason to why his son has been disappearing more and more for the past two months.

But finally, he came to a conclusion... Could his son have finally met another gorilla?

The thought alone made him smile and chuckle slightly. It would explain all the fruit that went missing.


Johnny ran down the streets as fast as he could, trying to reach the alleyway before the girl did.

He knew he was making to much noise as he ran down paths and cut corners, but he had to get there quickly before she did.

But.... he wasn't watching where he was going... because just like the first time he had entered Adder Street's alleyway.... he came face to face with the infamous animal eating human who had everyone's fear and curiosity...

.... and he was petrified....

There would be no running away this time, and he knew it once her (E/c) eyes landed on him and snarled, showing her teeth at him in warning... telling him that he had messed up.

...but at the same time...

...he felt as though she would not hurt him... but that might just be his hormones talking.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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