Chapter •2•

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_______A few days later____

Johnny couldn't help but let the questions swirl around in his mind. When he ran into the Human, it didn't attack him... but instead ran away... almost as if it was scared of him.
He furrowed his brow, not understanding what had happened. It seemed smaller then what he was expecting... actually, it looked nothing like he was thinking...

...what was he saying?! It's not like he got a good look at the human anyways. So he can't really say anything.

He realized that he left his skateboard back in the alleyway when he ran off... and he realized that he would have to go back there if he wanted it back.

That was two days ago.

Thinking that he's delayed it long enough, he got up and pulled his black leather jacket over his shoulders. He made his way down the stairs, sneaking past his dad and the others while heading for the door.

He really didn't want to come up with another lie to tell his dad today.

He made his way down the busy street, but as he got closer to Adders St., the crowd started to thin, until it was only one or two people speed walking down the sidewalk, trying to get away from the place as soon as they possibly could, as if thinking that the human would jump out of nowhere and grab them.

Johnny looked around from side to side to make sure no one was looking, before walking into the alley. He looked for the missing skateboard behind some dumpsters and trash bins, but no matter where he searched, he just couldn't find it. He hummed softly, not knowing where it could have gone.

He snuck deeper into the alley, keeping an eye out for the object. He was so caught up in looking for his skateboard, that he didn't realize that all the twists and turns he had taken had made him end up right in the place where he ran into the human. Well, that is until he saw it sitting in the middle of the alley spot.

His eyes widened as he looked around in panic for a place to hide. He ended up almost diving behind a pile of rubbish, but he was fine with it as long as he was hidden from it's sight. He wasn't in the mood to be caught. Who knows what it would do to him if that were to happen! It could torture him until he died, just kill him on sight, or worse, it could EAT him!

He felt a shiver crawl up his spine as he crouched there, trying to get his heart rate under control. After a few moments he finally found the courage to peek over the pile.

From the looks of the human's body, it seemed to be a girl, which might explain why it was smaller then him. The human girl looked looked around at all the different buildings and pathways. This process repeated several times before she finally locked onto a pacific area.

Johnny watched silently as she stood up, dusted herself off, and walked up to one of the brick walls. She stood still for a second, before trying to climb it, but in the end failing to do so. Her arms were just to short to reach the uneven bricks. Her fingers barely grazing it even if she did jump.

He almost couldn't watch her feeble attempts to climb the wall, feeling a prick of pity for the poor human.

The human seemed to have another plan in mind, because she backed up until her back was to the opposite wall. She paused for a second, Johnny could see her mouth moving slightly before taking off towards the building in front of her.
Just before she was about to hit the wall, she rammed her foot into it and pushed upwards off the wall, reaching for the ledge.

She grabbed hold of the window sill and tried to pull herself up, but her fingers slipped, since she didn't have a good grip on it to begin with.

With a loud gasp, she fell at least 12 feet before hitting the ground with a thud.

She just laid there... not moving.

After a minute or two, the human didn't get back up. Johnny felt a prick of fear when she didn't get up afterwards.

Just as he was about to debate whether or not he should go check to see if she was still alive, she rolled over on her stomach and slowly lifted herself up off the ground, almost as if in pain.

She stood still for a few moments, her body waving slightly, before beginning to dust herself off. Afterwards, she crossed her arms, as if in thought, pacing back and forth. She unfolded her arms and walked into one of the many alleys and came back with... with his skateboard!

He watched with one eyebrow raised as she propped it up against the wall and began to balance on the tip of the object. He was amazed to see her grab the edge of the wall and hoist herself up, but was even more surprised to see her keep climbing up the side of the building, as if trying to get to the top of the apartment.

Johnny felt something swell in his heart as he saw the woman try to stay in the sunlight. She stayed up there for a few more minutes, looking around over the top of the buildings, as if scouting the area from above, or searching for something. The light was completely gone before she decided to slowly climbing back down.

She didn't even grab the skateboard as she trudged down an alleyway, he couldn't see her expression, since she kept her head down as she walked away into the darkness of the night.

He waited a few minutes, to make sure she was gone for good before racing over to grab his skateboard. When he had it, he snuck back out of the alley and onto the sidewalk, where he rode home, planing to take a shower once he got there.


For some reason, Johnny found himself returning to the ally to watch the Human who lived there.

At first it was just once or twice a week, but as the weeks went by, he started to show up more and more often, now he would observe her every other day, curiosity always getting the better of him. (Yes, Johnny finally decided that the human is a 'she')

He just couldn't help but find her interesting.

But then again, as the week's came and went, so did his thoughts and way of thinking... now don't get the wrong idea, he was still cautious about the human girl... but there was still that one thought that stayed no matter how many times the logical side of his brain tried to extinguish it...



......What if this human isn't what animals make her out to be. Maybe she's just as scared of all the animals as they are of her...


...just maybe...


...she isn't as dangerous as everyone claims...

...what was he even thinking?! Of course she's dangerous...!

....but the thought still lingered...


This whole chapter I couldn't stop thinking of that Meme:

'Dicks out for Harambe...'

(what the fuck is wrong with me...?)

Myths are Sometimes Real (Johnny x Human!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now