Chapter 3: Dark Arts

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When he walked in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, his impression was that it looked a lot like the classroom of his third year with Professor Lupin.  Hence, it was exactly as a Defence Against the Dark Arts should be.  

The desks had been pushed against the wall for the first class.  A few objects lay in the middle of the room.  Some of them he recognised; some others he was not so familiar with.  There was a Foe glass, a couple of other dark detectors that he had seen in Moody’s office, some very big spiders in a locked cage (Ron gave a sudden shudder), glass bowls of many sizes filled with various insects, and a cupboard that kept shaking violently as students were poring in the classroom.

“Good morning, class”, said James Potter.  

He was wearing black from head to toe and a robe that was a lot like Snape’s cloak, with the only difference that James looked much more casual in it.  His entire outfit was also including messed up hair which looked a lot like Harry’s, and sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

“Please put all your books away and take your wands out, everyone.  We will do a bit of reviewing today,” he said happily.

Whispers of excitement and apprehension started to rise.  Hermione did not seem exasperated by the fact that they would not be putting their noses in books for this class.  Instead, she looked very full of herself, surrounded still as she was by the same group of girls, and she was eyeing the professor with great interest.  Harry had not seen Hermione looking at anyone like this since Gilderoy Lockhart had been their teacher.

Suddenly, Harry heard a hissing sound.  This time, it wasn’t Hermione.  It was hushed and eerie like a murmur.

“Practisss time.  Bring usss out of the bowlsss.  Bring usss out!”

Harry wheeled around, looking for the source of the voice.  He had not heard anything like it since the Chamber of Secrets had been opened in his second year.  

He spotted the bowls in question along the wall and under a long table in the shades.

“Snakes,” thought Harry.  He tried to get a closer look but Hermione’s group of giggling girls was blocking the way and his father had begun his instructions.

“In the spirit of the Triwizard Tournament”, said James Potter, “I’ve put together three tasks for you to perform.  You will all be graded on how well you succeed.  In exactly one hour, we will have a champion of the class.”  

There were cheers from the students.  Harry distinctively heard Ron say “Wicked!”  Apparently, Harry’s dad was a cool teacher.

“Naturally, I would expect the student who becomes class champion to put forth his or her name in the Goblet of Fire.  But, the decision is of course a personal one for everyone who wishes to enter the tournament.  I have to admit that historically the champion has always been either a sixth or seventh year student.”  He was staring at each and everyone of his student with great admiration and pride.  “But this year might be an exception.”

Everyone clapped really hard at that last comment.  Harry thought that this class must be really advanced or his father wouldn’t show so much content towards his students.  Harry did not want to disappoint his father, of course.  However, his only decent Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher had been Professor Lupin, and that was one out of three years of material to cover.

“You can begin with any task you desire, but you must do all three.  Please choose a partner to keep each other’s scores.”

Harry stepped towards Ron, hoping that they could team up, but Neville was already pulling him over to the set up of the first task.

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