Chapter 20

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so i'm the biggest poop going because it has been so long since I updated

hopefully I wont take so long in my next update but ehhh you never know, it's me i'm actually a really busy person...... no lie, i'm dead serious

but my friend is all better so I don't have to worry about all that jazz and chizz so I should get cracking..........on my many exams this week :(

but anyway this is short.............very short so I don't like it but it is something to occupy you beautiful readers until I can be just as awesome


I felt the bed dip next to me which is strange because I don’t even remember getting into a bed

I felt myself get dragged closer to the person and went crashing into their rock solid chest

The quilt moved with my body and I felt my feet sticking out the opposite end as I now lie diagonal across the bed

The slight breeze from the open window across from us made me drag my feet in closer to me so I was wrapped in a ball held by my hips into the person behind me. And I didn’t bring my feet in to me because I was scared someone would grab them from under the bed

My body was still tense as I heard their breathing slow down to an even pace as if they had just come in after a long run

I was panicking because I couldn’t see who was behind me, they never spoke as they walked in and they smell of dirt so I can’t smell anything familiar about this person


I yelled out in my head and I could almost hear him wince from how loudly I had projected my thoughts to him

I felt my phone vibrate under my pillow and I listened to see if the person behind me had fallen asleep and sure enough I could hear their heavy snores over the rushing blood pounding against my ears

It’s Seth you idiot -_-

That was all the text said

“Oh, well it doesn’t smell like Seth Mr. Let’s take the piss out of Chloe even when she is shitting herself”  I muttered quietly trying not to disturb him while he is sleeping

I know he hasn’t been sleeping well for the past few days and when I slept in his bed I often woke to find his place gone and cold letting me know he had been gone for a long time even though it is only early hours in the morning

I lifted Seth using my powers and slipped out of the bed I had been sleeping on and rested my pillow where I had just been so as I let Seth down he would think I was still there

Oh the joys of having such a useful power I thought grinning to myself

I tip toed out of the door to find I had actually been in my mom and dad’s room. Why? I will never know so maybe I should ask them

“Wassup my peeps?” I asked walking into the living room to see all the family sitting and watching the fire

“Oh you’re okay. You’re okay” my mom cried as she hugged me

“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” I asked letting her go and her arms dropping to her side

“You went on a complete rampage after the argument a few days ago and destroyed your room and after you collapsed in a heap at the top of the stairs scaring the crap out of all of us as you fell down them. You have been out cold ever since and you’re Father wouldn’t let any of us see you…. Even Seth until today” Mom explained walking me over to the arm chair that is so comfy I could sleep in forever

“Oh” was all I said

I collapsed

I went on a rampage

I destroyed my room

I scared the shit out of my family……. Well I don’t think Bella was scared so I don’t care about what she has to say or think

And Dad didn’t even let people see me. Was I like pale as Jasper or something?

I saw Edward do a spit take after sipping his Tea making it go all over Bella which I found highly amusing

“As if Chloe. Only you could say well think that” he said chuckling not even bothering to help Bella in any way, shape or form

“What did she think?” Alice said all chirpy and shit

Ha ha saying and shit because it makes me sound all bad ass and shit

Edward snorted this time and looked at me allowing me to see the amusement in his eyes as he smiled

“She was thinking about everything Rosalie just said and then was all like ‘Dad didn’t even let people see me. Was I like pale as Japer or something?” he said in a girly voice

“I don’t speak like that” I said folding my arms over my chest

“And shit” Edward said smiling like a mad man with a chicken thinking he just pulled a funny joke out his ass

“Chloe what are you on?” Edward asked me

“This very comfy chair as far as I know” I said staring out into the forest

“WAIT! I WAS OUT FOR DAYS?” I yelled just realizing how long I might have been out for

“Yeah 4 days, 8 hours and 22 minutes” Jasper said looking cool as a cucumber “I didnt count the seconds” he said shrugging

“Because that isn’t creepy” Grandma said under her breathe but we all still heard

I bust out laughing falling off the chair and laughing even harder at my stupidity and the fact Grandma out of everyone would have said something like that

“Oh Grandma never thought I would hear you say anything like that” I said wiping the happy tears from my eyes as I sat up right, legs crossed still on the floor

“I think I have been spending too much time with Alice and Jasper if I’m honest” she said glaring daggers at them, of course she was only playing

Well as far as I’m aware

But seriously this chair is so comfy I should take it to my room…..once it’s you know…. Decent and you can actually walk somewhere in there


so um yeah, that's it and I know it sucks but erm well yeah

vote- if you actually thought this was decent

comment- if you got any ideas on how I can improve it in the re-write

Fan- if your just awesominio

Chloe xx

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