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Can be unbreakable;
It can be impenetrable to swift bullets moving faster than time, and block the horrors awaiting the opposite side its comfortable frame

Can be breathtaking;
It can separate you from one side of a world, and trap you in another though you'd still have an amazing view of 'what if'

Can be fragile;
It can be the gentlest object that still manages to hold immense value within it's wispy frame

Can shatter;
The thin blades of substance can cut you deep, deeper than you knew was possible, as the shards slither and embed into your skin, never leaving

Can be deceiving;
One moment, its protective and the next it breaks with a hint or cause behind the action- almost as if its only intent was to cause damage

Can be a lot like the human mind.

It can be unbreakable, and protect one from the bullets that pour like rapid fire from people's mouths.

It can be breathtaking, and amaze you with vast knowledge you didn't know you possessed, and by making you, you.

It can be fragile, gentle and still hold immense value even though it could break at any mere moment and leave you feeling never completely whole, due to words you've said and can no longer take back.

It can shatter. Without warning. And leave a person broken, unable to be fixed or pieced back together- never to feel complete again, without cracks breaking through.

It can be deceiving, since one moment you're fine, content with the life you lead, going anywhere but backwards, forwards or to any side as you stay still; but in the next moment you're broken and screaming at no one, nearly as silent as a whisper.

And so I start to wonder;
If my mind is like glass, with all its perks and faults

Would I be unbreakable?

Or would I shatter to the ground?

There's... a small crack in my glass, growing larger each day, and I'm too afraid to find out.

I Don't Feel Like Home | ♡Where stories live. Discover now