when a flower wilts

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When A Flower Wilts

there is nothing more resilient than a flower
with bright and reverent colors and
soft dew sluggishly moving down the petals
as the sunlight beats down on the delicate


when a flower wilts
the fading pigments weave into
shades of weak browns, tarnished blacks
and ultimately dusty nothingness
slowly being shriveled into the ground

when a flower wilts
new life is promised within its demise
as the sunlight dries the life source-
and a once thriving force of nature
now comes to a quiet end

when a flower wilts
there is silence
a soft thud, and the sprinkling of a waterfall
once the painfully mortal beauty vanishes
and flows, to be drowned in the endless sea

when a flower wilts
she sees charm, allure
resilience, endurance, bravery
a jubilant, ornate being-
she sees every attribute that she does not possess

when a flower wilts
the world witnesses a life form
and quietly praises its existence
in a jealous admiration

for the flower was born from beauty
and would end in beauty
and its sole purpose was to bring
beauty into this dying world

i wonder if i wilted away
without a seed, stem, or petal
left behind
or any trace to prove my existence

would i
shrivel into the ground
be drowned in the endless sea
or would i not be noticed at all?

but, then again,
its silly to compare a person to a flower
even if it is true
that i will wilt away, all the same

never to be seen again.


there is nothing more resilient than a flower
with bright and reverent colors and
soft dew sluggishly moving down the petals
as the sunlight beats down on the delicate


there is nothing more beautiful than a flower
meeting its end
replenishing the hazy earth
and being born once again.

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