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Tonight?" The memories echoed in my mind. "The moon always protects me. He promised he'd always be there."

I turned my head to my mother, who looked out the window. I remember my mother, she was beautiful. "Celeste, my dear, can you keep a secret?" She cooed, and i nodded in response. "Well, as you get older, you'll see that the moon is not shining sometimes. And that's because he is in love with the sun. And, sometimes, he likes to visit her, because they don't come out at the same time. The moon loves the night, but he can't stand to stay away from her for so long. Because the moon can't shine without the sun. He loves the sun so much that he leaves the beautiful night to see her."

I gazed out the window, at the star filled night, and sighed at the moon's absence. "I'll let the moon go. He loves her."

Mother kissed my forehead. "That's a good girl. Don't worry about the moon. He'll come back tomorrow night. No matter how much he leaves, he will always come back. And he'll have many stories to tell you, about his visit with the sun."

"I can't wait until he comes back," I said, staring at the night sky longingly. "I miss my moon."

"I know. Now, let's get you into bed." Mother scooped me up, carrying me to my bed across the small room. When I was in bed, I stared at my mother.

"Will I ever love someone as much as the moon loves the sun?" I asked, lying in bed.

Mother smiled at me as she sat on the edge of the bed. "You will. And when you find your moon, you will be happy. I promise."

I watched as my mother walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I stared up at the ceiling at the moon stuck there, along with a few stars. "Goodnight, moon." I whispered, and my memory began to fade away, bringing me back to reality.

"Celeste, I think I'm in love with you." His words repeated in my brain, over and over. He stared down at me, his eyes bright and impatient. And I realized, that I've been in known Mason ever since I was a child. I've spent my whole life searching for it, and now I've found it. My moon. And no matter how many times it goes away, it will always come back.

"Mason, I-" I began to say, but was cut off by the sound of Windows breaking and students screaming. They began running down the halls, a swarm of them. They pushed me, and crowded around me, stomping on me and knocking me to the ground. I sat there, on the dirty floor, as they trampled me, and I couldn't get up.

Mason' s hand suddenly came before me and pulled me up, and he took me to the wall, wrapping me in his arms, and kept his face buried in my hair. They pushed on us, and pulled, but I couldn't keep their screams from radiating in my head, and I closed my eyes as the lights began to flicker.

"It's almost over," He whispered into my hair, holding me against the lockers. I kept my eyes closed, but the noises sounded in my ears, causing me to scream along with them. Mason held me tighter, and I stood there screaming until a small hand grabbed my arm and untangled me from Mason. I opened my eyes, and we walked in a row, slowly, against the walls, toward the Astronomy room. Genevieve looked back at me as she towed Mason and I through the crowd.

When she pulled open the door, the three of us bounded inside, and I fell to the floor as Genevieve locked the door. I gasped for air, and Fin and James helped me up, and I pulled my body into a chair, resting my head on the desk.

"What's happening out there?" I asked and looked around at the wide eyes and long faces before me. No one made a sound, and Fin just held my hand.

The crashing and screaming muffled through the door, and everyone stood silent for a while, while my head darted around, searching for answers.

Mr. Thomas bursted through the door suddenly, his eyes frantic as he looked into the eyes of each of us. "Students, it's time. She's here."

To The Sun And BeyondWhere stories live. Discover now