Chapter 8. Close to Insanity

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Y/N's P.O.V

     After Damian helped me, he left to go train. I stayed in my room for a little bit as I kept looking out of my window at the clam but rough waves of the ocean. I slowly got up as I created a copy of my father. He had brown hair and dangerous but gentle Y/E/C orbs. 

   He offered his hand as I gently took it as we both smiled at each other. He put one of his hands on my waist as the other one in my hand. I hand one of my hands on his shoulder. We then slow danced to a sad but gentle song. 

   When the song ended he evaporated into dust, as a tear slipped down my cheek. 

I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry and I miss you... But I'll always love you.

     I then walked out of my room and around the tower. I went to go find Damian as I found him training still. I noticed the others weren't there.  I slowly walked in as Damian noticed me as he defeated all the training simulator ninjas.

  He then made his way towards me and asked,"What are you doing here, L/N? I thought you wanted to be left alone." I nodded then stated,"I came here to hangout with you also I didn't say that." "I know, L/N. You just seemed like it." He stated as I shook my head and giggled at this. 

   I started to get dizzy as I fell to my knees, holding my head. Damian was now beside me as my eyes felt heavy. I felt myself fall backwards but I landed into two built arms. Soon everything went black for a couple of moments. Now I could only watch and see how this goes...

Damian's P.O.V

   Y/N fell to her knees as she then fell backwards as I then caught her in my arms. I quickly checked her pulse. It was good. I checked her temperature as she was rather cold. I was about to pick her up until she jerked out of my arms and got into a fighting stance at me. 

  I looked into her eyes. They looked as if she they changed to something, but I don't know what. They looked dangerous but at same time gentle. Her eyes looked dangerous as if fifteen flares were in her eyes. Her eyes at the same time looked gentle as the calm sea. I tried to find something, but I got nothing.

  She then charged at me as I dodged and tripped her. She did a somersault and quickly turned around to face me. 

"I don't want to hurt you, Y/N." I said as she growled,"You hurt me! You never helped me!" I looked at her shocked as she then punched me in the gut. I fell to the ground then dodged her as she tried to punch me in my face. Instead she fell face first a she shot back up and her crimson flames erupted from her hands.

   I ran off as she followed quickly behind. Something held me down, I looked and saw golden chains holding me. She then was behind me with a smug look as she slowly walked towards me.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Did yo-" She interrupted saying,"Shut it, Wayne. You'll watch as I take over your Earth." She then had her finger under my chin, to where I looked at her in the eye.

   Her hands still had the flames, she then slowly brought them to my wrist as they touched them. It felt like my whole entire body was on fire, but it was just my wrist.  I winced in pain. She then snickered at my reaction. "Wayne, does have feelings? Let's have some more fun." She pushed me to my knees as I looked at her worryingly. She just laughed as she then was blasted by Starfire's radioactive blast.

   She was blown against the wall as the Team looked at her angrily. "Damian,you okay?" Raven asked pulling me up as the chains disappeared. I nodded as we all then saw Y/N get up and snicker saying,"You think that hurts? What a pore dumb princess." Starfire looked hurt as did the others. "What's with you, Y/N?" Beast Boy asked as Y/N shook her head and chuckled. "Nothing is wrong, Green boy. It's, hum, maybe my insanity is finally kicking in." Beast Boy looked hurt.

   We looked at her surprised as Raven stepped saying,"Y/N, you know this isn't you. It's just your powers taking control of you." "Sure, witch girl. Not like I can take control of this. The other side is locked in her own crystal mind. Trying and begging for me not to hurt you, but whatever, right?"

   She then disappeared as the Tower's lights turned out. I heard whispering when I heard someone fall to the floor. I scattered around the room as I my eye's quickly got used to the dark. I saw Starfire out and Jaime. Beast boy senses must've been out of control cause he was trembling and looking everywhere as he then slowly fell to the ground. 

  I then looked over and saw Raven in a corner as she turned back on the lights with her magic. Y/N was in front of her widely smiling as then Raven was wide eyed then her body slowly fell to the floor. 

"Bird boy, come out and play. I promise I won't hurt you." She laughed at the ending and looked around the room as I was hiding in the vent. She must've noticed cause she shook her head and forcefully pulled me out and threw me to the ground. As she then said,"Found you, Wayne. I knew you where here. I'm everywhere, Wayne." She winked then turned around walking away from me.

"Have fun with them, Wayne. They will be petrified for awhile!" She laughed as she disappeared in a snap in a finger. 

   I looked around the room in shock and as I way lost. 

What have I done?

   Y/N's P.O.V

    What have I done? She took control of me. 

  I fell to my knees inside my own mind. She was hurting them. Including the once I loved, Damian. 

   I held myself as I looked at what she did to them. She was torturing them, but she didn't hurt Damian, just his feelings. 

I sighed sadly as I kept watching it all play in front of me. My body trembled as tears spilled down my cheeks. 

I'm sorry Damian. I love you.

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