Chapter 8: Surprise

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There is vulgar language in this chapter... I warned you... Go on now... Stop wasting your time here and read the chapter already... Go!!
I'm sick. It absolutely sucks. I feel the need to vomit. Sebastian came back with water. I felt the vomit coming so I ran to the toilet and I felt my hair pulled back. I vomited for 5 minutes. With little breaks in between. Sebastian pulled out a stick.
"I am not pregnant! I just have the stomach flu!"
"Just try it. Please!"
I peed on the stick and waited 30 minutes. I checked back on the stick. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Positive. I was freaking out. Positive! Omg. What are they all going to think. I'm 16 and pregnant! I might as well try out for the fucking show. Tellana is going to kill me and Seb. Seb is my cute nickname for Sebastian. How am I going to raise this child. I heard the door opening. I grabbed the stick and I sat on it. I hopped up on the counter and sat on it. All of a sudden I see all of the boys excluding Tanzanite(in prison for life.) Eli(dead) and Seb. All of a sudden Keith asks me
"What is going on and why do you look so guilty?"
I stayed quiet. I pressed my little button on the pager that me and Seb set up. He was in my room and before seeing his brothers he said
"What are the results? Positive or negative?"
Then all the brothers look at me wide eyed. Then Sebastian realized what he just did.
"You know on your math test did you get positive results or negative results?"
I coughed then pushed Adam out of the way and vomited into the toilet. But that means I left the stick up there. Shit.
"HahahahAhahahaha!!! We are all gonna be uncles!!! HahahahAhahahaha!!!"
I cringed. I then started crying. I punched Justin for saying that. I ran upstairs and knocked on Tellana's door. She said
"Come in dear."
I opened the door. I sat down in the chair opposite to hers. I then said
"Tellana I need to tell you something and you have to promise me that you won't kill anyone or get mad."
"I promise."
"I'm pregnant."
Her eyes widened. She stared at me and said
"With who's child?"
I told her
I then told her the boys reactions and my own thoughts. By the end of my explanation I was in tears. She got up. And went down to the living room. In curiosity I followed her. She then shouted
"Boys! Get your asses down here right now!!!"
They all filed into a line. Then being the smart ass Ed is he said
"Is this about Sebastian fuc..."
"Language!!! Ed Gayster Love. Do you want me to send you to your room!"
"No mom."
I started laughing until I saw Tellana's face. I stopped after that. She then said
"Yes mom?"
"Show me the stick."
He gave her the stick.
"When did you find out?"
I answered for him.
"Today. That is when I found out."
She looked at me then said
"Everyone except Sebastian and Emerlan go to your rooms!"
Everyone obeyed because they were so scared. Then Tellana said
"Sebastian you will be waiting on her hand and foot. You will do everything she asks without hesitation. She is going to be in pain a lot. You are to carry her up staircases. You will also have to get her all the food she craves. No complaints. You will also take her to everyone of her appointments. Now tomorrow we will plan the baby shower. On Wednesday we will set up the first appointment."
I looked at Sebastian and said
"Carry me, your queen up the stairs and to my room."
Tellana laughed and left after he learned how to carry me. We took off up the stairs and Sebastian put me on the couch. I watched as he fluffed my pillow then went to his room and put a pillow where my feet would layout. He placed me on the bed. He gave me a cool blanket and the book I was currently reading. He also handed me my phone and my earbuds. Seb then said
"Anything else?"
"Yes. A bell."
He handed me a bell from the hallway. I told him
"If I ring it once it means I'm thirsty. If I ring it twice it means I'm hungry. If I ring three times it means I need pain pills. Ok."
"Yeah 1=drinks 2=food and 3=meds."
I went to sleep. I woke up after a little feeling hungry. I shook my bell twice. I heard Seb come into my room. He then said
"What are you craving??"
I thought and then said
"Doritos and Neapolitan Ice cream.
He nodded. He ran down to the kitchen. When he got back he had three containers of Dorritos and 3 of ice cream. He looked at me with love in his eyes and said
"Wanna watch Scary Movie?"

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