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It almost seemed like a movie as I watched the sun move across the sky. Even at its highest, there had been a chill in the air, and as the day moved forward, the cold started to eat at us. Even I was susceptible to it, clutching my jacket and wrapping it tighter around my torso with every gust of wind. With the sun's position, I'd say that around four hours had passed before a serious conversation was brought up.

"Okumura-sensei..." My eyes slowly flickered to the bald teen, his voice wavering slightly. I could feel the panic starting to settle inside of him as he swallowed hard. "I though you said that authorities would be looking for us by now?"

My brother sighed, about ready to calm Koneko down, when a sob erupted from across the group. With wide eyes, I gawked at Shiemi, who methodically wiped at her tears. "What if we are never found? Yuki.... we can't die here!" Her green eyes were muddled in anxiety and I wondered just how long she'd been on the edge of this break down. She sniffled and wiped her nose, silent tears still falling down her cheeks, but her expression was firm, demanding an answer from our superiors.

Yukio cleared his throat, not fazed by Shiemi's outburst in the slightest. "I cannot give an exact time that we will be found, but it's only logical that the authorities have been notified and are in search of us." He fixed his glasses and folded his arms, his cold delivery sparked irritation in my stomach. And I realized I wasn't the only one, either.

"You have no proof of that!" Suguro shouted, standing up and shaking a fist in my brother's direction. "Quit selling us this false sense of hope. Maybe some of the others are falling for it, but I ain't. Cut the shit and tell us what's going to happen!" Halfway through his rant, Shima stood and started pushing his buddy down once more, trying to soothe the raging teen. "This is ludicrous," he spat at Shura and my brother, "you guys are exorcists, one of the most well trained warriors on this planet! Yet, one car crash and you're out of commission? Fuck that! If I'd known that this profession was so weak-kneed, I never would've decided to become an exorcist!"

"Shut the hell up, Ryuji!" Izumo snarled from her seat next to me, her demand piercing my ears and causing me to flinch away from her. "This isn't about you and your dreams in life. Sit the hell down and shut up, I'm getting a headache."

"You little-" he cut himself off short, "ha, why am I even bothering with you. I don't need this, you're just a spoiled little tsundere bitch." Shima's jaw nearly hit the ground and he smacked Suguro upside the head, telling him to mind his manners. How odd it was to see Renzo sticking up for a girl, I had to blink a few times to make sure I was seeing things correctly.

Bon turned in his seat and grabbed Shima by the shirt collar, cursing and pushing him onto the ground. "Woah woah!" I finally tried to cut in, I didn't think things would get this bad. "Stop it before you hurt each other!" They weren't listening to me, or anyone else for that matter. I tried getting to my feet, but a killer case of vertigo struck me and I had to sit back down in order to make the swimming sensation go away. I glanced at my youngest brother, who threw a look in my direction before getting to his feet.

"Yuki! Stop, you'll get hurt, just let them deal with it themselves." Ugh, all this talking and shouting was giving me a headache. Izumo stuck up her nose and snarled at Shiemi to mind her business. "Kamiki-chan..." the blonde girl seemed surprised to be under attack by the other girl.

"Oh, knock it off. I don't have the patience for your empathy. You should've just stayed quiet and this wouldn't have happened in the first place." With that, Izumo got to her feet and started walking away from the group, with Bon and Shima still rolling about on the ground. The twin-tailed high schooler walked past Shiemi, who reached out to grab her pants.

"Kamiki-chan, I'm sorry if I offended you-"

Red eyes flashed as she whipped around, smacking Moriyama's hand away. "Leave me alone! God! Can't you ever get a hint?" She huffed, "you are seriously so dense, I have to question your intelligence."

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