.oOo. Piper .oOo.

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Suddenly, I wasn't in the Capitol anymore. What happened? I thought as I looked around. One moment, I was watching Jason and Leo at the cornucopia, then I saw the explosion, Tracey (another gamemaker) let the cannon boom, and suddenly I'm here.

Then I saw it, the silvery huntress tent in the middle of the forest. Remembering the bronze map that was teleported with me, I pulled it out and flipped to the back where the instructions were. It had been blank for... almost the entire time, but now there was writing scrawled on it.

You're here now. Train them.

Suddenly, there was another flash of light next to me. On instinct I closed my eyes and turned away. Then, when it faded, I looked back, expecting to see a god there. Instead, I saw Jason.

"Piper?" He asked after stumbling forward. "Where are we?"

In response, I pointed to the tent. "We have to help train them," I said. "I guess we're stationed here now."

Jason shrugged. "Fine with me." He ran his fingers through his hair as we walked forward. "Man, I can't believe Leo forgot to tell me it was mined."

I laughed. "Yeah." All of a sudden, I was sober. "It was awful watching you die, Sparky," I said quietly. Jason laced his hand in mine and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm sorry," he said. "It was awful watching you die too, the first day."

"Well, we're back together now," I said, trying to sound upbeat. "Who's in the tent again?"

"Let's find out."

We pulled back the tent flap to reveal four tributes. Lodi, Kalex, Hayley and Waylen.

Hayley jumped up from where she was experimenting with food on the buffet table. "Who're you?" she asked.

"Jason, five," he introduced.

"Piper. Eight," I said, looking around. "Where's Ethan? My partner?"

Waylan sighed. "He burned up," he said.

I shook my head sadly. Ethan was really not that bad.

"Well, we're going to be here for the rest of the time now," Jason said. "It's time you did more than just sit around all day." he clasped his hands together. "What's your best weapons?"

They all looked at each other and shrugged.

"When we trained, we mostly focused on survival skills," Kalex explained. The others nodded.

"Let's start from the beginning then." I rummaged around what looked like a tall closet, but when you opened it there was a stash of weapons. I pulled out a sword. "Have none of you opened this before?" I asked in amazement.

They shook their heads.

"It was really tightly shut," Lodi explained with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "We couldn't get it open."

Jason tried to hide his smile. "Okay, lesson one, physical fitness. This is a physical fitness day. Out of the tent! Out! Out!" Everyone scrambled up and shuffled out of the tent. "Push ups, lets go!" Jason snapped his fingers.

Caught by surprise, there was a moment of hesitation before they dropped down. "How many?" Waylan panted.

"As many as you can!" Jason was clearly enjoying not being the one doing push ups for once. I tried to hide a smile as I sorted out the weapons into piles. Swords, a lot of knives, and a whole load of bows and arrows. In the cabinet next to it was a massive amount of other huntress gear: rope, matches, huntress clothing, and the like.

I gave a low whistle. Huntresses lived a luxurious life. But I knew I wouldn't accept it if I was offered. I couldn't give up Jason. Sheathing a knife that reminded me of Katoptris, I went out to help supervise the demigods.

.oOo. Nico .oOo.

I could see the trail of smoke through the trees as it thinned out, being stamped down. The chances of them being someone out to kill me was slim, as the only people really were Cato, Clove, and Thresh. Quickly, I increased my pace. The smoke was distant, however, and I quickly lost it as the wind blew it away. But I knew which direction I was heading in, and that was a start.

Suddenly, two cannon booms rang through the forest. I looked up in surprise, but there was no way of knowing who died. Hopefully it was Cato and Clove, although I knew I wouldn't be that lucky.

I hurried on.

.oOo. Katniss .oOo.

Thrown back by the explosion of the supplies, all I could do was sit, dazed, trying to clear the ringing in my head. I had landed in the bushes, thankfully, and was out of harms way. And not a moment too soon, because Cato and Clove came barrelling through the forest, leaping over tree roots and ducking under branches. They zoomed past me, and all I waited for their footsteps to die down before I stood up and began my path back to Rue. Annabeth I knew could take care of herself. It was Rue I was worried about.

.oOo. Nico .oOo.

I jogged on, hoping the tribute stayed where they were.

.oOo. Katniss .oOo.

My pace increased through the forest as the dizziness in my head cleared, and I drew closer to where Rue was. I was almost there...

.oOo. Nico .oOo.

I stumbled upon a clearing where there was the smoking remains of the fire I must've seen. But no tribute. He or she was near, though, I could tell that much. Unconsciously, my eyes drifted upward, and then I saw her. Rue, carefully positioned in a tree.

I put my hands up in surrender. "Rue, come down," I said quietly. "I won't hurt you."

She eyed me unbelievingly.

"Wow, I sure wish Thalia or Hazel were here right now to help me," I said loudly, knowing they were watching. I hoped they got the message. "Right now would be great for them to help me, but they're dead," I said even more loudly. Rue watched me warily, like one might watch a drunken dog.

"Don't panic," I warned Rue. Suddenly, I shadowtravelled up to the tree, grabbed Rue, and vanished from the arena. She screamed, then all the air was sucked from our lungs as we plunged into darkness. But only for a moment, because then we reappeared in the tent. I stumbled like normal and felt for the ambrosia on the countertops while Rue collapsed on the carpet, not making a noise but swaying heavily. I saw Piper standing in the doorway of the tent. She nodded at me, and I shadowtravelled back into the arena.

Only to be hit by a blinding pain in my ribs.

.oOo. Katniss .oOo.

My blood chilled as I heard a scream. A very high pitched, feminine scream. A very Rue-like scream.

"Rue!" I yelled, tearing through the forest. "Rue!"

The scream was cut short. "No!" I screamed. "Rue!"

My hands were gripped around my bow, an arrow already slung into the string. Branches whipped my face, but I ignored them as I stumbled unto the clearing.

Rue lay on the ground, her neck snapped. Standing above her was an evil disgusting slimy Capitol-attention-seeking pawn of a human. I raised my bow and fired.

The boy fell, and I realized it was that kid Nico. I ran to Rue's side. But she was gone.

The cannons boomed.


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