.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.

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I fixed my eyes above the giant golden cornucopia, where a clock ticked.

60. 59. 58. 57. 5

We can see it, came the nervous voice of Piper. You don't have to count down for us.

Well I'm nervous, okay? I replied defensively. The clock ticked on. 35. 34. 33.

Why are you nervous? Thalia asked incredulously. You've faced worse. You've been through Tartarus, for gods sakes.

This is different, I replied. Somehow, it's just different. What happens when we die? There's only one winner.

Everyone was silent as the clock ticked down. 15. 14. 13.

This is it, Percy said, and I saw him dropping into a crouch, facing Katniss. Get ready, everyone. Annabeth, you get anything since you're more agile.

Can do.

5. 4. 3. 2.

Right before it hit 1, I suddenly made a mad leap forward, a split second head start as I touched the ground the moment the gong rang. I grabbed for the closest weapon I could grab onto and sprinted away.

Annabeth! Percy yelled in my head as I sprinted towards the forest. To your left twenty feet and forward!

I adjusted my course and sprinted as quietly as I could, leaping over fallen leaves and onto bare patches of dirt that would be quieter than a branch. A sound of steps reached my ears and I spotted Percy in the trees. To your right! I yelled at him.

Percy turned and pointed forward, where I could see a shadow of a girl running. I held out a hand to stop Percy, and we slowed silently.

Why'd we stop? Percy directly asked me, not trusting to speak out loud for fear of sending Katniss into a flight.

She's never going to stop running if she hears us, I reasoned. We just have to track her.

What did you get?

I showed him the weapon that I grabbed, examining it for the first time.

It wasn't a sword or knife. No, those were a whole lot closer in the cornucopia, out of my reach. It was a spear, with a four-foot metal shaft, about as thick as three fingers together. Attached to the shaft was a long silver spearhead, the length of my hand, filed to a deadly sharp point. The spearhead was light and I eyed it incredulously. It was obviously a weapon for show, not for survival.

So this is it? Percy lifted the spear skeptically, turning it in his hands. I suppose you did have to get out alive.

Well maybe you could do it next time, I said in a disgruntled tone.

Percy was about to respond when he walked into a tree.

Look where you're going, Seaweed Brain. I laughed and kept going, knowing he would follow.

.oOo. Piper .oOo.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Percy crouched down, ready to spring.

What's the plan again?

Thalia! Jason chastsized. The clock counted down.

Kidding. Can someone get me a knife?

Why is my sister so irresponsible? Jason asked, and I could practically hear him rolling his eyes. 15. 14. 13.

I'm younger than you, technically, Thalia said playfully. 9. 8. 7. 6. Seriously though. Get anything you can without being killed.

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