finale: part three

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guess who finally decided to update :)

suddenly there are a bunch of people reading this story, so i decided to be a nice person and give y'all the final update.

however there may be an epilogue in your future.

on with it!


"Shit." Pete scrambles to pull his phone out of the pocket of his skinny jeans while it hums loudly, disturbing the silence that had fallen as we tend to each other's wounds in the bathroom.

He puts the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" Upon hearing the loud voice of his mother yammering on the other line, he flinches slightly and pulls the device away from himself. "Mom, its okay-" he scrambles for words, "The police will be here soon, just let me stay until then."

I can hear the woman slightly, just not the words that she's saying. I cock my head to the side and strain my ears. Pete, noticing, puts the phone on speaker.

"...fucking kill that man for hurting my boy. Tell me everything that happened, I'll need to know for the court case."

Pete sighs. "I don't exactly know. Patrick got a video of it all, I think. I don't even know where Travis is."

I mouth, "Gone." Silently to him. He nods.

"I'm coming to pick you up to go to the airport. The car has all your luggage in it. You'd better be ready to go."

"Mom, let me stay longer-" Pete tried to protest.

"Peter, enough has happened while hanging around with that friend of yours. You're leaving as soon as I get there."

I wince at her first statement as Pete hangs up, frustrated.

All of this is because of me.

Pete got hurt because of me.

"I-I'm sorry." I stutter out. I can't help but cry. "You got h-hurt and it's all my fault. You don't deserve this."

He shakes his head and pulls me into a loose hug to avoid touching my injuries. "You have nothing to apologize for. This is worth it. It's worth protecting you. Okay?"

He pulls back, hands still resting on my shoulders.

I look down and wipe the tears from my face. Not saying anything.

"Hey." Pete lifts my head up level to his. He places a soft kiss on my lips. "Somehow, you still look adorable even when your face is soaked with blood."

I chuckle, despite how fucked our situation is. "I could say the same for you."

And suddenly, there's a pounding on the door. We both scramble to stand and make our way down the stairs, and the second we open the door, the police flood in like a tidal wave.

They separate me and Pete and begin asking us questions relentlessly. At some point the paramedics come in and fix up my face.

It all seems like a dream. I remember looking across the living room to see some men trying to handle my mother, but she's just a drunk mess.

And suddenly I see Pete stand up from a few feet away from me. He looks at me. And I know he has to leave.

I get up and follow Pete to my door, interrupting the man who was in the middle of asking me how often Travis would beat me.

I ignore the man's protests and shut the door behind me and Pete. His mom is parked in front, honking the horn.

"So I guess this is it-" I begin, just as Pete speaks at the same time.

"I love you."

His words are clear as day. I stand, frozen.

"I love you too."

And then he kisses me. Right in front of his mother, who I'm sure had no clue that he's gay.

But I kiss back, hard, despite the pain that flares up in my face.

I break the kiss to pull him into a hug. "What am I going to to without you, Pete?" I ask between sobs.

He hugs me tighter, without saying anything.

His mom shouts from the car, "Peter, if you don't get your ass in the car right now, you and your baggage is going to live on the streets!"

He pulls back.

He's crying, too.

He says shakily, "May our paths cross again some day."

And I can't help but feel my heart shatter into a million pieces as the love of my life steps into his mother's car and drives away.

May our paths cross again.

Peterick//More Than You Bargained ForWhere stories live. Discover now