seventeen: vine

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Monday morning, I'm dreading school more than I usually do.

Since I yelled at Pete to take me home, I haven't gotten a text from him. He was silent during the car ride, and his only words when he dropped me off at my house were "be careful with Travis."

So I'm guessing that he's mad at me. Or maybe he thinks I'm mad at him.

I don't know.

I probably shouldn't have yelled.

When I take a seat in front of Joe and Andy during lunch, they shoot a surprised look at each other.

"Hi." I say quietly, suddenly uncomfortable. I realize I've barely talked to my two friends since me and Pete started being friends again.

"Where's Pete?" Joe asks me.

I shrug. "Dunno."

Andy raises an eyebrow. "What happened?"


"Between you and Pete?"

"N-Nothing." I stutter.

Joe rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on. You ignore us for days at a time, you sit at Pete's table for lunch every day-"

Andy cuts Joe off. "Joe, take it easy on him-"

Joe laughs. "No. He's been a dick ever since Pete came along." Joe continues to what he was saying, "And you walk to class with Pete in the hallway. And then you show up here. Without Pete, might I add."

I gulp. How did they see through me so quick? "Um, something happened yesterday. I think he's mad at me."

"Well, you're gonna have to deal with it." Joe tells me.

He begins to stand up, and Andy follows.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask, looking up at the boys.

"To sit somewhere else," Andy says.

"Seriously?" I ask, astounded.

Joe scoffs. "We aren't some little backup plan for when you and Pete aren't in good terms. If you're going to diss us for a boy, don't come running back to us when things don't work out."

"Come on. You guys are my best friends. And you can't blame me for wanting to spend time with him."

"What, did something happen between you guys? I thought you could barely stand him, and now all of a sudden you're in love?" Andy asks.

My heart skips a beat when I realize I never told them that me and Pete are more than friends. I feel my face go red, both in shame and embarrassment.

"Oh, for God's sake." Joe scoffs, "I don't want to know."

"I can explain! Sit down, can we just talk?"

Joe rolls his eyes and walks off, with Andy following close behind.

I put my head in my hands.

Did I seriously just lose my only friends for a boy? How dumb am I?

I realize that my whole life has been revolving around Pete and Travis for the past two weeks, with no time in between for my friends.

How could I be so careless?

Everything is falling apart. I'm losing my friends, my- what do I even call him? Boyfriend? And then Travis, everything at home is going to shit-

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