Chapter 20

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 I start to move towards her when I feel someone grab my arm. I let it lay there and growl as a warning. They don't move their hand . I fling them back away from me. I hear glass shattering and it makes the girl jump away from Kyle. She looks up with wide blue eyes. I start towards her and she backs away getting behind Kyle. I growl when I see her hand grab his arm. Kyle looks at her but doesn't move. It sends another wave of rage through my body. The beast inside me wants to rip his head off his body to get to her.

"Sweetie I wouldn't do that if I were you." Annie warned. She is looking at me from behind the counter with a soapy plate in her hand and fear written all over her face.

"Why should I care about some bimbo?" She ask. She flips her hair and looks at me again as if judging me.

I growl and she tries to tuck herself further from me. I look at her as she peaks from behind Kyle's frame.

"Because this bimbo is the Alpha of the Moon runner pack and i'm going to kick your ass." I say. I hear someone yelling, but my wolf is out for blood. 

I get close to Kyle and rip her away from him. She yells and scratches at my arm. I drag her out of the dinning hall and sling her down the steps into the yard. I jump down the steps and land with a thud. My boots kick up a little cloud of dust. I hear people coming outside to spectate what is about to happen.

"Make your bets here. Lets see Skye let her live or the girl gets her head put on a pike." I can faintly here Max making a pool on the outcome of the fight. Normally I would care but with the rage so close to the surface and nothing to control it i've zeroed in on her.

"Skye." I can hear someone calling my name. My wolf is at the surface blocking almost anything human out. I feel more animal then I do human. I hear her start crying and the human part of me takes pity on her, but the pissed off wolf part thinks it's fuel to the fire.

I let out a growl and sling my fist connecting with her jaw. She falls onto the ground cupping her face. I start towards her again and she scrambles to get up. Her eyes on me the entire time. Reminds me of something caught in a spider's web and they know there is nothing they can do besides lay there and wait for the inevitable. I grab her by the hair and sling her on the ground making sloppy movements. My anger starting to cloud my judgement. My fist connect with her again and again.

"Damn it Skye stop!" Kyle grabs my arm and spins me around.

I growl and slam him to the ground.

"Don't ever get in my way!" I yell. He looks at me and grabs my hand.

"She's had enough she can't even stand on her own." Kyle says. I look at her and back at Kyle.

"Fuck you!" I walk away. I push my way through the crowd and disappear into the thick brush around the dinning hall. I hear shouting after me but I turn it all off.



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