Chapter 15

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Teeth and claws are all I see. Kyle and Quinn are going at it and Max stands with his wine in his hand and a huge grin on his face. I start towards them and I hear Max calling me a party pooper. I get closer to them and yank them apart. I hear Kyle growl at me and I snap.

"Back the fuck you are both acting like children in a school yard!" I yell.

"Whatever." Quinn says. I grab his arm and yank it back and I hear the bones snap. Max laughs and sips on his wine some more.

"Try that again." I say.

"Sorry Alpha Skye." He says. He holds his arm and snaps the bones back into place.

"The hell was said to start this?" I ask.

"Quinn basically said that Kyle wasn't man enough to be your mate and that it has to be a joke on the moon goddesses part." Sam says hiding behind the broken window.

I shake my head and move towards Quinn.

"The moon goddess is never wrong and he is more than capable to be my mate. I am quite happy that she choose him to be my mate. Now shut the fuck up before Max needs another mate. You are a friend and I value your life, but you ever disrespect my mate ever again I will put you in your place. I will not tolerate disrespect from either party. I don't need to grown ass men fighting every damn day." I snap.

Kyle looks at me and has a smug look on his face. I turn and smack him on the back of the head and he looks at me.

"What was that for?" He ask.

"That damn look." I say. "Now go to your rooms before I castrate your asses."

Kyle stays with me as everyone leaves. Quinn looks embarrassed but does as I've said. Sam comes through the window laughing his ass off. I shake my head and he looks at me and smirks.

"So were just killing betas now?" He laughs.

"You know how Quinn is he has always been like that." I say.

"Yeah I know but it's always funny watching you put him in his place." Sam continues to laugh.

"Go ahead and head home Sam i'll clean this up. Make sure you check on Killian he as been troubled lately and with everything going on I don't need the people who are supposed to be watching my ass breaking." I say.

"Will do Skye. See you in the morning."

Kyle moves away from the wall and kneels next to me and starts helping me pick up the big chunks of glass on the grass that can seriously hurt someone. We move in sync without talking which is really comfortable.

"Did you mean that?" Kyle ask.

"Mean what?" I ask.

"About me being your mate and all that?" He ask.

"Yes." I drop the piece of glass in my hand and look up and am almost startled by how blue his eyes are. "Kyle you are my mate. I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He leans close to me and kisses me. I relax in his arms and feel like it's just me and him. No one else in the world to come in and fuck everything up.

"I'm glad she choose you as my mate as well." Kyle says.


AWW OMG SUCH A SWEET ENDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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