Sedecy's POV

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Sedecy's P.O.V:

Morning. My mother wakes me up. I groan. There are three of us, living in a small, one bedroom apartment.
But soon, hopefully I can have my own private space.
It's 6 am, and I have one hour to get ready for day 1 at camp. I rly do not care what I look like, because I am not looking for anything out of this camp experience, except I'll probably find a couple of kids that will actually be cute and fun to be around.
I brush my teeth, comb my short, dark, straight hair and wash my face. I throw on a pair of jean shorts and a white t shirt. I wear my beaten up black converse, one of the only pair of shoes I own. I grab a roots hoodie from my drawer that I got for Christmas .
After two quick toasts with pb, I am out in the car waiting for my mom.
Ten minutes later, my mom shows up and gets the car started.
Here goes the drive.

During the four hours from Waterloo to Cardiff, Ontario , I look out the window, not very excited for the destination. I watch how the clouds move slowly and the sun comes out, the tree leaves as bright as ever. My mother and I barely spoke except for a couple of quick conversations.

"Are you excited?"My mother asked me.
I shrug.
"This will really help develop your skills in leadership and pay for your uni fees."
She repeats what she has been telling me for the past month.
"Mhm." I mumble.

That was our conversation.
About two hours later, she says the exact same thing, but more enthusiastic and using different words.
"Camp will be so fun, won't it??!!!" She asks.
"mom, can we please not talk about it? You are making me change my mind about it being a "good idea"."
I reply, with a cold tone to my voice. I instantly feel guilty, knowing I'd hurt my mothers feelings.
"Sedecy Laurel Peters don't u dare use that tone with me. This is what is best for you, and you know it."
My mother scolds, although I know she is hurt on the inside.

We both stare out the windows, thriving for the tension in the car to soon be gone.
About 15 minutes later, my mother pulls over to pee on the side of the road, and once she reenters, she fiddles around looking for her hand sanitizer.
I spot it, pass it to her and our eyes meet.
Mother, I really didn't mean to upset you, I know that this will be good for me, and I'm glad to have the chance to meet some new people. I say,which isn't a complete lie.
My mothers facial expression quickly changes to a calmer expression.

Not long after, we make it to the camp, and I meet the captain of the counsellors by the front entrance. There are about 10 other teens assembled by Mr Georf Jain.

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