Barich's POV

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Barich's POV.

Time to pack for camp. My last year at camp, seven years since my camp experiences started, being blessed to meet my best friends Kyle and Stanley . We were the terrific trio. Birch,Kyle,and Stanley. Everybody at camp knew me as Birch.

Actually, everybody in my life except for my mom and dad who use it only when I'm ignoring them, or avoiding to engage in conversation with them.

I walked down two flights of stairs to go ask my mom where my new shoes were.
If you were wondering, we do not live in an apartment building.
To the contrary, we live in a 3 floored house + a huge basement.  I was often the subject of the talk at school, because of the wealth of my family. Not that I was complaining.
In my head I do confess to being quite arrogant, but I could never say that out loud, I was too arrogant for that.

I was heading to this new camp because my parents had been offered to send me there for free, now being able to use the extra thousands usually used to pay for camp to buy a new tv for the tv room in the basement .
I will admit, they are quite wealthy. After running down another flight of stairs to the basement, I went through the pool game room, past a guest bedroom to my right as well as a big bathroom.
I got my bag for camp ready, with a couple hundred dollars and a bunch of clothes. I assembled my flashlight, sleeping bag and my other bits and pieces. I was finally packed up for my trip to camp tomorrow . Of course, I needed to wear my five hundred dollars pair of shoes my dad bought me for my birthday, because I need to use them for the best cause.
In this case, it is camp.

I'm not excited for camp. Every year it's the same . hangout at a house party or drink some beer in our cabins, the girls constantly hitting on u, being able to go from girl to girl to girl. Everything was always the same. The girl would do anything to be your gf, than she would start being all needy, or try to get your attention every second. The moment u broke her heart her girl gang would come charging at u, and repeat. Then, whichever kids you are counselling are rather extremely annoying, quiet, or ask too many questions . Sometimes you can get lucky with a couple good ones. So once again,, I'm sure the experience will be exactly the same.

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