Sedecy's POV

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My parents are shipping me off to a camp four hours away from home. Not far enough that the signal is terrible and that my ex boyfriend is still able to spam me with texts and phone calls, but too far for my daily bike rides with my cousin, Jaxon. Yes, Jax got the set of parents that give their children normal names, unlike me. I was an only child and my mother loved the name Sedecy for as long as my aunt Louise could remember, while she was a fan of common names, like Jaxon and Lexie . Jaxon was 15, but looked about as old as me, and I am 17. Lexie is only 13, but is very girly, alway wearing pink, with her big blue eyes and her cute dimples . She spends most of her time curling or straightening her strawberry blonde hair.Her brother, on the other hand, has dark brown hair and hazel eyes like Joe, his father .

I on the other hand, have very fair skin, blue eyes like Lexie's, and dark brown hair, to my shoulders . It is pin straight and kinda short, but I like to curl it away from my face most of the time.
Anyways, back to thinking about camp.

[My parents are actually shipping me off to camp Gilwanee ] .

Those are the only 10 words I can process right now .
My mother is currently yelling at me about doing the dishes or something, but every word she says is going through one ear and out the other.
I'm going to camp as a camp counsellor. I didn't want to do this, but my parents said that I needed to participate in this camp if I wanted money to pay for my university fares. I never really wanted to study quantum physics, but my father wouldn't let me make a career as a singer and/or musician because to him, that was not a career, those were hobbies.
I do get straight A's, or more like straight A+'s, in all of my classes, and my math teacher,Mrs Calliope, was extremely proud of me. But the words that really stuck with me were those of Mr Finn, my music teacher.
Follow your heart, for it will make you happiest. My heart wants me to sing. But for now, camp and physics were the main priorities.

I was finally done packing my bag for two weeks counselling at camp. As much as I love kids, I can't get myself excited to go to camp. I had never been to camp, it was always too expensive. But this yr my dad got an ad for this and figured this is the best way I should be making money to help pay off my uni fees.

Tomorrow morning my mom would drive me to camp, and camp would be officially starting by noon. I decided to take a long bath, using as many lush products as I could, because I wasn't going to have a bath or shower this decent for a while.
I got to bed early, because I didn't want to talk to my parents about camp at all.

Although I did have to say my goodbyes to my dad before sleeping, because he sets off for work at 4 am, and there is no way I would wake up that early during summer, although 7 am on camp days comes pretty close.
After my goodbyes to my father, I went to bed.


make sure to comment where you are from,
and if you used to/do go to camps during the summer.

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