Chapter 2

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Toby's P.O.V

I was sitting in a tree and eating some waffles. I was awaiting for (Y/N) to come by so I could take her to the mansion with me. She isn't normal, I noticed that the second I saw her at school, I was stalking Shyla so I could kill her. I had to knock her out so she wouldn't scream or attract any attention. I just hope I can convince Slendy to let (Y/N) stay with us...

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~

???'s P.O.V

I was looking out the window and I saw Toby carrying something.... Wait, it's a body...

I ran to the door and yelled at Toby, "TOBY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! Slender is going to freak out!"

"Calm down! He isn't gonna find out, we are gonna keep her hidden for a while." Toby sounded so calm...

"We can't hide her forever Toby."

"We can try, and plus she isn't normal." He snuck her upstairs. When he went past I caught a glimps of her face... (Y/N)?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Where the heck am I?" I looked around the room, last thing I remembered was Toby knocking me out! Was I kidnapped by him? Oh well, I just need to find out where  I am. 

I looked around the room, theres not much in here. I got up and walked to the door, and to my surprise, Toby was standing right infront of me. 

"(Y/N), you need to stay in here!"

"Why?! Where the heck am I Toby?!" He shoved me back in the room and shut the door. Next thing I knew, he had one hand over my mouth and one on one of his hatchets. He looked over his shoulder and slowly let go of me and walked toward the door.

"TOBY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard a boy's voice. It sounded a little glitchy. Toby ran to the door to lock it, but it was too late...

"TOBY!! WHERE DID YOU PUT MY XBOX CONTRO-" The boy looked straight at me. He looked like Link from the Zelda games, but he wasn't.

"Whoa who are you?" He said smugly with a smirk on his face. 

Toby glared at him, "This is Shadow's friend, (Y/N)." 

Who the heck is Shadow... Wait one of my friends nicknames was Shadow... Bre?

"Ohhh, so your the new girl~. I'm BEN, BEN DROWNED." He flipped his blonde hair out of his face.

"Ben, you already have Shadow, back off." Toby was still glaring at Ben.

"So your Bre's boyfriend?" Why did I just say that?! This must be where she dissapears to... 

"Wait, how do you know her real name?" Ben stood there with a very confused look scattered across his face.

"Bre is one of my only friends...She dissapears a lot, I guess this is where she comes. Isn't it?" Okay so I tend to blurt random things out sometimes, I twitch, cut, have bad thoughts,  and basically my life is a mess...

"Hey Ben, why are you in Toby's ro-" Bre stopped talking when she saw me, I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. She didn't look like she always did, most the time she was happy and energetic, yet she was mysterious.. She used to wear bright colors, but now she is wearing black ripped jeans, a dark puprle shirt with red splatters on it, and a black jacket. 

"(Y/N), why are you here?" She said it in a dark tone, I shot a worried glance at Toby, and Bre pinned him up against the wall as Ben and I stood in shock.

"YOU DO KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HER WHEN SLENDER FINDS OUT SHES HERE, DONT YOU?!" Bre was yelling at Toby, her dark brown hair turned to a crimson red, just like blood.

"BRE LET ME GO! BEN HELP ME!!!" Toby was flailing his arms around like an idiot. All of a sudden the door flew open, a man with no face walked in.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" The man stared at Bre and Toby. Then he looked straight at me.

"S-Slender, Sir.. I-I can explain!" Toby was stuttering and twitching uncontrollably. 

"Breanne, Toby, Ben, why is there a LIVE human in here?" Slender was still staring at me, well at least I think he was. It is really hard to tell if somebody with no eyes is looking at you...

"Slender this is (Y/N)...She is one of Bre's friends from school and I was watching her and sh-"

Toby was cut off by a tendril that seemed to come out of Slender's back wrap around his mouth. Slender was walking towards me and he lifted me up in the air with one of his tendrils, this is it... This is the moment that I die.

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