Chapter 25

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Clara Pov
Myra stands in front of me. Protecting me from my father's last attempt to kill me. All the fighting has seemed to die down. Body's are scattered around the courtyard. It seems so quiet.
In my head, I start to celebrate. We won. My father is gone and now I can rule in his place and restore this kingdom, back to its former glory. I will be queen and have Myra at my side.
Still, in front of me, Myra slowly turns to face. My moment has pure happiness has shattered into a million pieces, as did my heart.
Myra calmly pulls the sword out of her chest. Blood soaks the blade. She drops the blade only seconds before she herself collapses. I reach out to her and cushion her fall.
She now lay in my arms, gasping for air. All of my warriors look at, there is nothing but a solemn silence.
"What are you all looking at?" I choke through my tears. "Go get a healer, we can save her."
But no one moves a muscle, they have all accepted the fact that I can only deny. A healer can do everything in their power, 1,000 could try to save Myra. But in the end, it will be futile. Myra is going to die.
Cronus rushes up to us. He applies some pressure to the wound.
"Stop." Says Myra weakly. "There is nothing more you can do."
"I will not let you die," Cronus tells her.
"Cronus. You have already saved me, more times than I can count. This is just we fight that we can't win." Myra says. "Thank you. For always having my back. And I'm sorry I won't be able to repay you for that."
"Don't you dare apologize to me. You are going to be okay. I'm getting you help. Just hold on a little longer." Cronus says and takes off.
Myra's face has gone paper white. She begins to cough up blood, meaning she was pierced in the lung.
"I'm so sorry, Myra. This is all because of me." I cry.
"No. I may have fought because I love you but these men standing around you now. They fought for you because they know you will be the greatest Queen this land has ever seen. They believe in you, I do too. All you need to do is believe in yourself."
"I can't do this without you," I tell her.
"I kept my promise, didn't I? I have protected you and ensured you a safe life. You will be fine without me."
"No, I won't and you know that."
"Promise me you will be strong." Myra's says. "If it makes it easier, try to forget me. I can't stand to see you in so much pain especially knowing that I was the one who caused it."
"I promise to be strong but don't doubt for a second that I will ever forget you. Thank you. You are my hero." I kiss her forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too, my princess."
"In the years that have passed that day, my kingdom has been built back up to greatness. There are no longer as harsh of laws as my father had enforced. People no longer live their God-given life in fear.
There is peace from the kingdom in the North. There was also a rebellion rising within. And with the aid from my knights, they too were able to overthrow their unjust ruler.
The lovely garden that once was tended to by my mother and then harshly destroyed by my father, it is now in full bloom. Every type of flower in the world seems to reside here. It finally has given life back to the kingdom." I read aloud from my journal.
I now stand outside of the city In a beautiful grassy meadow. A large stone stands before me. Marking the spot of where I buried my one true love. I visit her every day. Telling her about the kingdom that she helped me build.
"I have also gotten engaged. To a man that we both know. I guess that our love for you was strong enough to bring us together. And I am with child. It's a girl, I just know it. And I also know the perfect name. I will name her Myra. And I will give my life for her. For my princess."

Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me. I have had so much fun. Thank you for sticking in there and supporting me. I love you all so much. And I will be working on some new stuff too. So stay tuned.

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