Chapter 15

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Myra POV

After realizing that Cronus was not planning to actually turn me over to the king I actually began to trust him, even cried in front of him. A choice I know I will come to regret. I am now in his arms pretending to be unconscious so his new "friends" don't try to kill me, again.

They were the same men that chased me from the inn where I was staying and then proceeded to nearly beat the life out of me until I smashed their friend's skull. Another life I took that will endlessly haunt my being. I have come to learn that the man's name was Tom.

Cronus carefully sets me on the ground. I keep my eyes closed and try to drift back into unconsciousness. As soon as I start to fall asleep I noticed that there is a presence coming closer to me. I slightly open my eyes to see Clara lying down beside me. She is looking up to the sky, her beautiful, blue eyes staring with amazement. She hasn't seen the sky for years, to her its something brand new.

Everything in this moment is perfect. I know that the circumstances may be shit but, I am here with the girl I have loved all my life, and she may even feel the same. Cronus doesn't hate me for betraying him, I have even started to trust him... barely.

"Why don't you guys go hunt for some dinner," Cronus tells the men.

"Fine." One man grumbles. "But if there's any funny business then we will kill you and your two little bitches."

They storm off cursing all of us out. When I no longer hear their footsteps I open my eyes. I sit up but my head hurts still from Cronus knocking me out cold. I did deserve it but I'm still pissed. Not at Cronus, but at myself, for not being able to defend the princess.

"Are you okay?" Clara comes over to me. She scans my head, looking at the sizeable lump that has now formed.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Cronus says nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. I stare daggers at him. "If looks could kill," he mumbles.

"If they could you would be dead a long time ago," I say, raising my voice.

"Cronus, what's going on?" Clara asks. "Why are you after Myra? Who are those men? What has happened over the past eight years?"

Cronus and I make eye contact. She hasn't missed anything important, especially because my life ended the day she was taken. But now I feel as though I can finally breathe again.

"Myra is a wanted criminal," Cronus says. My head drops, Clara deserves better than me. "She was a thief, she disobeyed the king's orders, and now she is a fugitive with a huge bounty over her head. But all that aside, she has done everything she can to make something of herself and she is one of the bravest, most selfless people I have ever met and that includes knights."

I look up at him questioningly. Why would he help me even after all I have put him through? Clara lightly takes hold of my chins and pulls me to face her. In her beautiful eyes, there are tears forming.

"Thank you." She wraps her small arms around my neck and she starts to sob. After hesitating I slowly wrap my arm around her tiny frame. Pulling her frail body even closer to me.

I look over to Cronus who lightly smiles at me, but I can see that sadness is in his eyes. I motion him to come over to us and he brightens up slightly and walks over and kneels beside me. I wrap an arm around him and whisper my thanks, he nods. We sit there for a moment in each other's arms. I feel like its eight years ago and we are children again without a care in the world. I can't help but have a big grin.

"What actually happened with those guys?" Cronus finally asks. Clara is now staring intently at me too.

"I was at an inn and they thought I was some defenseless kid that they could mess with. They chased, beat me almost to death. Then I smash their friend's skull with a rock, they ran off with their tails between their legs." I said. Clara and Cronus just looked at me, with sadness in their eyes. "I really rather not talk about it anymore," I mumble.

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