Chapter 11

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It has been a week since we had arrived at Rivendell. And it has been a week of moaning, complaints and the disappearance of wine each day.

Yes this was all the dwarves. The Elves look on and say nothing but I know deep down they are getting tired. Both sides hate each other with hatred.

Me? I can not choose any side. I am a dwarf but I spent more time with Elves in my life. Then the question enters my mind nearly everyday.

Should I side with my race; the rude, ill mannered, not trusting at first but loyal to the end and brave? Or the Elves; not ill mannered, graceful, also brave but not always loyal to those in need?

Who do I choose?

Maybe my answer will come soon. Maybe this journey could be my answer. All I have to do is examine the events that take place and in the end, I will know the answer. So far, I seem to be gaining trust from the company. All except one.

Thorin had been avoiding me all week, refusing to speak or see me. Once we was walking down the same hallway in opposites directions. I smiled his way only for him to turn down another corridor.

Have I done something hurtful towards him? I asked Balin and he said not to take it personal. I vowed at that time that I will avoid Thorin at all costs. For his pride and mine.

As of now, I am currently walking down a hall in a blue gown, with my favorite book in my hand. I decided to be bold and go barefoot. I feel quite content with Rivendell. But it still not my home.

As I was walking down the hallway, I noticed Bilbo gazing at a picture

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As I was walking down the hallway, I noticed Bilbo gazing at a picture. A picture of a battle long ago.
I smiled and walked over to him. I stood by him, knowing that he has not noticed me.

"The story behind this is less peaceful then what the picture shows."

I said to him. Bilbo quickly turned to me and signed in relief.

"What's wrong? Thought it was an Orc?"

I asked jokingly. He smiled and chuckled. Then said,

"I don't know what is more terrifying, an Orc or you."

I chuckled and said,

"I have not heard you joke ever since the Orcs attacked us."

"Well I was in shock. Of what happened. It came so quickly."

I nodded in understanding. It must of shaken him greatly.

"Care to walk with me?"

I asked him. He smiled and agreed. We began to walk slowly, enjoying the place surrounding us. He then said,

"You look lovely today Mina."

"Thank you Bilbo, though much as this dress is lovely and elegant, I much prefer my original attire. You can never really fight in a gown. Your sword can get tangled in the stockings."

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