The Curtain drops afterall!

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"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
-Hamlet, William Shakespeare

Arnav POV
And in the presence of everyone which includes the Gupta family too, I confessed my crimes. Nobody said a word for a while. There was perfect silence. I did not have the courage to look into their accusing eyes. Eyes which spoke all about betrayal and hurt. But then in a fraction of a second my face felt pain, a strong hand was imprinted on my face. I looked up to see who it was? Who gave me my first punishment?

Buaji POV
I slapped him hard. This slap was nothing like the one I put on that snake Shyam's face. It seems I have judgement issues. I always judge people incorrectly. And one way or another my Khushi suffers.
"My innocent daughter kept sacrificing her happiness for our family. For her Jeeji she married you!!! inhuman person. All her dreams of a happy marriage filled with joy and loving moments turned into a disaster.She had cared about you. Given you the respect a husband deserves. And in the past 4 months, you have done nothing but given her hell. Made her sleep on the floor. Hurled insults at her. Humiliated her by throwing money at her feet. And called her every horrible name in the book.
And what is wrong with us Garima!! We never ever thought about the reason why she would take such a drastic step. This girl whom I hurt and taunted whenever anything wrong happened, today she is the one because of whom our Payalia is having a blissful married life.
This old woman can only ask for forgiveness my Titliya. You never were a bad blood for our family. You always will be more than a blood relative for us. Because even Payalia could not have done what you did. I Madhumati, with folded hands, today does not even have the courage to say sorry bitwa."
My Khushi is so pure. She took my folded hands in hers and shook her head in denial. She forgave me so easily.

Anjali POV
Buaji slapped my Chotte. My brother who never did anything wrong had committed such a sin.  And I was so absorbed in my anger for his sudden elopement that it never striked me how sad Khushiji looked on her wedding day. But I cannot rectify my mistake now. Still justice has to be served.
And my brother is the one who is guilty this time.
"So this is how you repay our love and support Arnav? Just because we never forced you into anything this is how you returned our faith and trust in you? I am not Buaji, brother. I cannot even feel better after slapping you. Destroying a kind and innocent girls life is the right thing to do? Really? In the name of my protection and happiness you ruined the soul of this chirpy and naive being. From now on dont expect to call you Chotte. My cheat of a husband manipulated me, hurt me and played with my feelings. Everyone here hates him. But your crimes are worse than Shyams. Tell me how different you are from one another?
Khushiji, I take full responsibility for his crimes. You have every right to punish us. Our behavior towards you during the initial days of your wedding must have been a double torture for you. Sorry, we all are extremely sorry."
I said with tears in my eyes.

Nani POV
"I regret that day when... even the thought of marrying you to my grandson came into my mind. I ignored you, hurt you, and treated you like an outsider for no reason. You were never at fault. DM blessed us with an angel and we treated her with like a demon. I with folded hands ask of your forgiveness bitiya. As a woman, I believe our Chotte deserves whatever punishment you suggest for him"

Khushi POV
"Stop.... please stop. I have no complaints with you Anjaliji, Naniji. You were also manipulated into believing what facade Arnavji had created. But all knew me well. I was not a new person to arrive in this family. I did expect you guys to believe in me. Anyways whats done is done. I did not ask Arnavji to reveal the truth for the sake of your forgiveness. I wanted to clear the black spot that was given to me by Arnavji. I never meant to bring any shame to this family or mine. That is not in my nature."
It was not easy for me to see Arnavji getting slapped. It was not easy for me to see everyone asking forgiveness from me. I have never been the one to hold any grudges or negativity towards anyone. My personality cannot allow me to be that. But now was the time to be practical and not get sweeped by emotions. I have to do this for myself. It is important so that I can heal myself.

"If you really want to do something for me. Then please let me go. I am done being hurt and played like a doll by everyone. I am also a human being. I too have emotions. Arnavji's room feels like a prison to me. I suffocate over there. The poolside brings back dark memories filled with hurt and pain. And Di's room makes me remember how Shyamji had his evil eyes on me. How everytime I had to runaway to protect myself.
I need to be away from all this. My marriage anyway was not a proper one. Please if anyone of you love me, respect me..then let me live away from here. I cannot live here. This place haunts me..." with that I started crying and fell on my knees. I felt Buaji and Jeeji holding on to me. But for the first time I wailed. I cried. All the pent up frustration, hurt and pain within me today found the needed outlet. And soon darkness surrounded my eyes.

Arnav POV
I was standing around the poolside. How much time had passed I had no idea. But Khushi's cries of pain and hurt were echoing in my ears. Today for the first time I saw what my actions did to her. This was not the response for a day or two's torture. This was her reaction to the last few month's humiliation and hurtful actions. I could still feel the wetness on my face. Every now and then 2 tears rolled from eyes. I am the worst person to exist in this world. Di has every right to compare me with Shyam. It broke my heart when she called me Arnav. My name sounded so hollow.

And my love, myKhushi fainted after crying her heart out. I was about help her when her Buaji and Payal supported her.
And Garima Aunty stopped me from moving any further. Her voice was devoid of any emotions. This soft spoken lady who never raised her voice said  in a cold and harsh manner...
"Let this middleclass and poor family live in peace for once. We dont need anything from you. You be happy with your so called money and status...Raizada Sahab!!"

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