ÇhÅpPįĖ 2

91 6 5

I am so so so so so sorry. I know it's no excuse but I've just been struggling with some personal things and I'm also trying to grab a hold of my life, college I don't even want to mention and I'm just so very sorry for taking this long.

You guys wanna hear something funny? I've actually had this chapter done ages ago. I just forgot I finished it...or that I've started working on the next ages ago...

I usually keep my work on a separate Drive and paste it from there to here. Kinda stupid. I know. But it works great for back ups. I guess I do sleep write sort of...I don't quite understand either. 

But like I promised about a week ago @KikaKiak

Thanks for being patient.



It was nearing third period when Mabel was called to the principle's office. Everyone in her class went wild and declared that Mabel has now become a bad girl and that she could now hang out with the cool kids.

"That's right boys, Mabel Pines can get in trouble. Oh, yeah! Wonder what they're calling me for. The glitter bomb or the dinosaur canon." She winked at a random guy at the back and clicked her fingers, flipping on a pair of sunglasses.

She slowly opened the door and walked in swaying her arms around. The principal looked relieved and asked Mabel to stay standing. He stood up and asked the student to follow him.

As they neared the infirmary, Mabel began to worry.

"Is Dipper okay?" She asked nervously. No words were exchanged between them the entire walk so Mabel wasn't told of what was going on.

"He was taken to the nurse at the beginning of second class. He passed out. I already informed Stanford and he's on his way. I just thought you might want to see him before." They entered the bright room with neat shelves and a desk covered in paper work. Dipper was placed on a bed near an open window for fresh air but covered up warm. He had a wet towel over his forehead completely covering his birthmark and the nurse was giving him some medicine.

"Dippy. What happened?" Mabel rushed over and hugged him. Pushing his book aside, he returned the hug and quietly replied.

"Just passed out for a bit. I'm fine." He was calm but his voice was forced and scratchy. His belongings on a chair to his left, his food out, with only two bites missing, his drink next to it half empty.

"I told you, you should've stayed home today. Don't scare me like that again." And Dipper was once again in his sister's arms.

When Ford arrived, Dipper told him he was fine and if it would make everyone feel less on edge, he would continue his studying in the infirmary room where he would be under constant watch by a nurse.

It took a while but he convinced them to let him stay and he would stay home tomorrow if he still had a fever.

They agreed and Mabel returned to her class (which only had 10 minutes left) and Ford stayed to help Dipper if he didn't understand something. They eventually ended up talking about the supernatural until Dipper fell asleep again. Ford took that time to get back to the shack and look for a special mint seed he had come across a few years ago.

He ground the seed into a powder and mixed in with some hot water and lemon juice. To give it some extra flavour, he added a chamomile petal in and had taken it back to the school for Dipper. He used this tea when he or Stanly got sick when they were at sea.

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