Chapter 7

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//Casey's POV\\

I didn't know what I would  do when I leave this place. What would I say to the police? Knowing my uncle he would do and say anything to still remain custody of me or to not spend any jail time. Then again if he does end up loosing custody of me, who will I stay with? I have no other family that I know, and I defiantly do not want to be living with a random family member.

Hedwig didn't want me to leave, and so did a few other personalities but I couldn't stay down here forever, right? I wanted to see what was going on in the world. If people were really looking for me. It felt like I haven't seen the sky or the sun for months when its really only been a week.

Barry liked me being here just because now he was able to make clothes for me. Although today he hadn't come into the light.In fact no one was here. I hd went into every room and had dent found them. They never left with ought letting me know where they were going. It was also night time so there would bee no reason for them to be out doing something. Nearly every store would be closed.

Then suddenly one of the doors had opened which had started me. "You can't stay here, they're gonna find you and I'm going to loose my job!" Barry frantically says coming at me. They told me that I  the place they lived at for work. And in the other tunnel was the maintenance tunnels which were for a zoo.

"I dont understand. Whats going on?" I asked worried that something had happened. "No, I know someplace where you can stay for a while. Get your things hun," Barry says. I go to the room I've stayed in and collect my things which wasn't a lot. Barry came up to me and handed me my old jacket along with my phone and other things I had on be when Dennis had kidnapped me. I wondered if anyone actually tried calling me texting me. Although the phone was dead and needed to be charged.

"Where are we going?" I ask watching Barry grab his coat.
"Going someplace where you can stay." Barry takes me down the hall and up some stairs.
I could see the moon again. It was night time and I couldn't remember the last time I was actually out. Even the smallest things seemed to amaze me such as the sounds of the city and the smell of fresh air.

Barry had taken me out of the back door of this building and down a ally. To where I found a missing persons flyer taped up to the wall. It had my uncles phone number and a picture of me. He was actually looking for me. I'm sure he wasn't looking for me because he missed me but he had no one else to let out his anger and frustrations to. I quickly caught up with Barry who was already out of the ally way.

"Where are we going?" I ask again still wondering why he is making me go someplace. "It's this woman who can take care of you for a while."

After a while of walking down different ways where I wouldn't be seen I hadn't come upon any more posters of me which made me wonder if there was only a few of them. I didn't want to be hunted down, all I wanted was to get away from my uncle. He doesn't even deserve the title of being my uncle after everything he's done to me.

After a few more minutes of walking we come upon another building. Inside there were stairs that lead up to the top. All floors had doors which I suppose lead into different apartments. Barry lead me up to the top. He smiled at me and knocked on the door. Soft rustles were heard in the background which I supposed was someone. The door opened showing an elderly lady. Who was this lady?

"Oh Barry, what are you doing here at this time? Has something happened?" The lady asks.

"No, no Doctor Fletcher. I was wondering if you had room for Casey, her house got burned down recently and I thought maybe you could let her stay here for a while."

The lady looked at me and smiled. "Oh well, I have one guest room. Nice to meet you, Casey. I'm Karen Fletcher," she shook my hand.

"Great, I have to go but thanks Dr, Fletcher,"
Barry says leaving quickly which made me confused.

"Well, I'm so sorry about your house, but may I ask, how did you meet Barry?" She asks taking me inside. The home was white organized and professional looking. Why was Barry calling her Doctor? Was she some sort of medical doctor? I wasn't prepared for these questions and I didn't want to say that I was kidnapped and now apparently I'm a free woman.

"Well, uh. Actually I met Barry at a convention. We were friends ever since." I hated lying. I was never good at it. I'm pretty sure she knows it's a lie but hopefully it will cover the true story for a while.

"Ah, I'm Barry and the others Therapist. I'm so glad that he has you. They are all so unique and so interesting."

A therapist huh? That means she's good at reading body language and seeing right through me.
"Well it's late but can I get you anything?" She asks. "No I'm fine, thank you though." She showed me to the guest room. Which seemed quite home like. It was a big bed with a window looking over the city, a bookshelf and a T.V On the dresser. I had some clothes that Barry had made or found for me. I was tried from walking. And the bed felt so soft under me, like it was a cloud. I got ready for bed and fell right asleep when I got under the covers. Totally forgetting that this isn't my own room.


The next morning, waking up was quite enjoyable. The window was right in front of me and the muffled noises of the city could still be heard although how high we are from the ground. It almost felt like I had bee waking up from a dream. I was wearing the same clothing as I was when I first got here, the pile of my belongings was still on the chair where I last placed them at. I smiled looking around at the peaceful surroundings of this office/home.

A phone started ringing and I thought it was coming from the outside. I had never heard a ringtone or any noises come from a phone in days, which made me confused on why I was hearing it. It was coming from the pile of belongings. My phone must've been charged and was mistaken by me of not being charged. I thought it was Barry but how would he have my number if my phone wasn't even on before?



I'm back!!! Sorry it took longer than I expected but I just didn't have the energy to write. But here I am! Im sorry that this isn't interesting, I've run out of ideas since I'm trying to get to a curtain part of this book, but ive just been having trouble connecting the two together. Worry not weekly updates are returning :)

Love you all!

Instagram: jcmesmcavoy

Twitter: jcmesmcdad


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