Chapter 3

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They stopped at the base, clearing their minds off and waves each other a goodbye. Matthias looks at him one more time, and slightly smiles. "See you tomorrow?" he spoke, giving time for the other male to reply.

Lukas nods "ja, se deg." he replies and starts to walk to the medical center. Matthias watch him goes away, as he opens the wooden door of their dorm and close it. Taking out a sigh and looks at the soldiers who are asleep. He carefully walks to his bed, hoping that he won't make any sounds to wake them up. As he reaches his final destination, he drops himself on bed.

He gestures himself to lay down on his bed being all comfortable and warm. Staring at the ceiling that is empty, with rays of white light that came from outside that lightens up the whole room. A rustle has been heard beside him, he ignores it.

"psst" a hiss

Matthias furrowed his eyebrows and moves his head to face the man beside him. "what?" he whispers

"Where have you been?" he asked

"Taking some fresh air, is that a problem?"

"For a whole day?"

"You know what, go back to sleep"

The young man sighs and lays back. Grasping a bible and a small rosary. Matthias noticed it, and looks at him "You're religious, huh?" he grins.

The young man nods and smiles, sliding his finger on the bible, feeling its leather cover. "Yeah, it feels good to pray to God, y'know. Praying to Him that in every war we are in, we always come back home alive." he softly said. "What about you?" 

Matthias doesn't know what to respond, though he lets out a sigh "I think..All religions are beautiful." he smiles. His eyes sparkles from the light.

His mind is full of thoughts, and imaginations. He imagines of something that is called Peace. Defining it as a pure treasure of the world that everyone needs it for a greater living. Remembering the recent events, his mind is empty like an empty gutter with no water of thoughts flowing on it. 


That name gives attention. It feels like it's too powerful, for such a simple name that it's too heavy for him. Matthias shifts himself sideways, slowly closing his eyes and starts to see darkness and hear silence around him.


"Matthias!" a soldier  shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up.

He opens his eyes, The scream was just damn frightening. He doesn't know what to do, but to just wake up in a calm way.

The sunlight lightens up the ceiling, he can say that it's a beautiful morning. But somehow, it must be a stressful day for all of them.

"Come on get up! The commander might see you!" He hissed at him. Though Matthias is already awake, he changed his clothes into the military trainee uniform.

They walked out of the camp and started to form their lines. Matthias moves his eyes to see the medical center and hopefully he can see Lukas in there. The commander keeps on talking that Matthias didn't bother to listen. Somehow..

"Matthias Køhler" a called out

He immidietly looks back and the other soldiers stares at him. "Yes sir?" He responds

"Where are you looking at" The commander added

Matthias didn't know how to answer to that question. If he says the truth, everyone might think that he's insane.

"Nothing, sir" He replied.

That was a horrible idea to respond.

The commander narrows his eyes, leading the other soldiers glance at him. The tent seems empty, and quiet. No sign of any injuries thesedays, somehow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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