Imitating Christ

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A late night thought:

I am really fond of celebrity impersonators. They're good in imitating a certain celebrity's way of speaking, fashion, mannerisms, famous lines, roles played and even the way they look! I mean, it is so hard to embrace someone else's identity when you have your own!

Then I was reminded about this: We are all made in the image of God and, as we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we become His ambassadors here on earth and imitators of Him. God is the one doing all the changes in us, from one glory to another, molding us into Christ's likeness.

Then it hit me.

Like them, I have someone to imitate. Jesus Christ should be my new identity! Imitating Him means I need to know Him well. And the only way to effectively imitate Him is to study everything about Him. Since I was not born on the time He has ministered on earth (which is thousands of years ago), there is no other way to know more about Him, but through God's Word, the Bible.

And though I do not know what He exactly looks like, I know that's not gonna be something to worry about. I am made in His image, ain't I? And so are you, love. Yes, we are all uniquely made, but that's something we all have in common. Oh, what a wonderful truth!

It's now up to me whether I'd choose to devote myself in imitating Him, showing people who Jesus really is, the ever-so-loving and full of compassion God! Or I can choose to stick to "my" own identity, doing things "my" way, saying "my" own words, minding "my" own business, living "my" own life! (The list can go on and on.)

I remembered a quote, but forgot where I've read it. It says, "The theme song in hell is: 'I did it my way.'" Makes sense?


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13

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