ÇhÅpPįĖ 1

158 11 14


>~An ordinary day~<

The snow piled up outside while everyone inside the Highschool building got louder and busier as days passed.

Mabel with her friends and Dipper in his own little space.

Dipper was labelled as the smartest in town so the principal and Ford had agreed that Dipper can choose to either attend school or have Ford teach him in the shack.

Though a promise is a promise and Dipper had promised to go to Highschool with Mabel. The younger twin was still allowed to spend his classes in a separate room where he would do his own independent studying.

That's why, no matter the weather, Dipper attended school every day and from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, he would sit in the library doing whatever he pleased. As long as he checked in with the principal every morning and signed out in the evening.

Dipper chose the library because in Gravity Falls, no one went to the school library and that's how he liked it. A whole room full of books with no one to disturb him.

Mabel didn't like the idea of her brother spending so much time all by himself but that's how it was and over time, she got used to it. She could focus more on her friends during the day and Dipper wasn't being picked on. Though she didn't know where he was all day, she was sure he was somewhere in the school. After all, they went to school together and they went home together.

<Third POV>

Waking up, a brunette girl jumped out of bed and greeted her pet pig, Waddles.

"Good morning my sweet prince. What would you like for breakfast, your majesty?" The pig oinked twice tiredly and sat up facing the cheerful girl. "One special Maby star cereal with extra oatmeal and edible glitter, coming right up." She picked him up and skipped down the stairs.

"Morning Gruncle Stan." She bowed with the pig still in her hands.

"Mornin'" came the scruffy voice of Stan as he continued making stan-cakes.

"Is it morning already?" Appeared Ford in the doorway with heavy bags under his eyes.

"Did you not sleep again Great uncle Ford? I told you, you need sleep. Wait till Dip hears about this." Threatened the girl with an accusing finger pointed at the elder. Ford grabbed a Stancake and his coffee and sat down next to his niece.

Shortly after, the younger twin approached the table with a terrible case of bed head and plopped down on the chair across from his twin. With no words, he grabbed some bread, spread the butter on top, placed two pieces of bacon, some tomato slices and topped it with the second buttered bread on top.

This was normal coming from him. They know he stays up all night. Though what for? No clue.

The others continued to chatter away about random happenings; Ford's new findings, Stan's new ways to get more money out of those foolish tourists (which Ford wasn't very pleased with) and finally Mabel's sparkly dream.

A regular morning routine.

Once the boy finished his breakfast, he stood, washed his dish and retreated up the stairs to get ready for school. The others usually waited till he was dressed for school to talk to him so, in the meantime, they got ready too.

"Hey, brobro!" Shouted the girl. She was just about to go brush her teeth when her brother walked out of the bathroom dressed with his hair still wet.

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