sixty - eight

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Jungkook's Pov :

Right now Jimin and I are laying on the couch— well more like I'm laying on the couch and he's laying on top of me.

We are currently watching the spiderman movies but Jimin is literally about to fall asleep.

He's been staying with me like I asked him to about a month ago. He practically lives with me.

A lot of things have changed. My phone is much more quiet now and Taehyung's stuff isn't all over my house anymore. Now its Jimin's stuff... kinda.

Jimin is a clean freak so when I say his stuff is all over my house I mean his stuff is placed in the right places in my house.

Its actually funny when I throw something on the ground, he picks it up and places it in the right place and glares at me.

I smiled to myself and looked down at the now sleeping Jimin. Absolutely beau—

Before I could even finish my thought the door opened.

Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung walked in and I held a finger to my lips.

They nodded and tiptoed into the kitchen. I smiled and carefully wiggled off the couch.

I pressed a kiss to Jimin's forehead and made my way into the kitchen.

"Hey." I smiled and sat up on the counter. "Hey. I'm making dinner so go take a shower and get dressed into decent clothes. White shirt and black jeans." Jin ordered and I nodded.

"Mkay hyung. Be quiet in here Jiminie hyung is sleeping." I said and Namjoon chuckled. "How's that going?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"How's what going?" I asked and Jin turned around and rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't act like you don't know. Jimin and you! Did you ask him out yet?" Jin asked and I shook my head.

"I've been waiting for approval.. From you guys mostly." I mumbled and they chuckled quietly. "Of course we want you to ask him! You two are so cute." Namjoon said and I smiled.

"Okay." I said, blush covering my cheeks. "If you don't ask him after we leave I am going to kill you. Jimin does this thing when he gets excited about something, he texts me in all caps. If I don't get spammed by Jimin by tomorrow I am coming over." Jin said and I nodded.

"Alright, alright. I'm gonna go shower now. Hurry up with the food, I'm hungry." I chuckled and left the kitchen.

Jimin was still sleeping on the couch. He was curled up in a ball in a light sleep. When he was in a deep sleep he always stretches across the bed but right now he was sleeping peacefully but one loud sound would wake him really quick.

I kissed him once again and then went to go take my shower.

I took a short shower and then left the bathroom in a pair of black jeans and a white shirt like Jin hyung said.

I dropped my towel on the floor and Jimin came out of his room to pick it up and put it in the laundry basket a few feet away.

He glared at me and I gave him a cheeky grin. I went back to the kitchen to see Jin putting the food on nice plates.

He took the plates into the dining room and set them in their rightful positions.

It all looked so nice. It looked very formal. The lights were dimmed and a candle was lit on the middle of the table.

I smiled. "What are you guys doing? This is not just a regular dinner." I chuckled and Jin hyung smiled at me.

"You're right. Its a double pre date." He said and I rolled my eyes but kept a smile on my face.

"If this is a pre date then I can't wait to see what the actual date will be like." I said and then they sat down.

"Go get Jimin." Jin said and I nodded.

I walked back to his room to see him laying on his bed, playing on his phone.

"Dinner is served." I held out my hand and he smiled at me. Jimin dropped his phone and took my hand.

We walked out into the dining room with our hands connected. Our hyungs smiled at us as I pulled Jimin's chair out so he could sit.

He thanked me quietly and I nodded, taking my own seat.

"What's all this for?" Jimin asked. "Its our pre date." Jin hyung answered and Jimin blushed.

He glaced at me and I smiled. He smiled back and then we all started eating while talking quietly to one another.

The dinner went fast and then we all sat in the living room, watching movies and eating candy and popcorn.

"We have to go now. See you guys later." Namjoon said and stood up.

"Bye guys." Jimin smiled and waved. Jin gave me a stern look before smiling and leaving.

Jimin turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "What was that dinner about? I just went along with it all but what—"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I blurted out and Jimin smiled. He grabbed my hand and sighed.

"Jungkook I really wanna say yes but—"

"Never mind.." I stood up and turned the tv off. "Jungkook I'm kidding. Of course I wanna be your boyfriend. I've liked you for like ever, it would be stupid of me to not say yes." Jimin said and I smiled.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. I sat down on the couch and pressed my lips to his.

Jimin's arms wrapped around my neck and I smiled into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his small waist, pulling him as close to me as possible.

We pulled away and he giggled. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Your lips are so small." He laughed and I pushed his face away.

"Well your lips are too big." I said even though I loved his lips.

"You know you love my lips." He smiled and puckered his lips cutely. "I do." I giggled and pecked his lips.

"Okay now go away. I have to text Jin hyung." Jimin said and I laughed. "Whatever. I'll be in my room." I got up and Jimin nodded.

Once I was out of the room I heard a squeal which made me want to go back but I didn't.

I just let Jimin be while he fanboyed over me asking him out.

a/n : im in school rn i have to walk all the way up the stairs just to get help on my math homework that's due tomorrow these hoes. anyway, how's ur day ? has anyone noticed the question mark by the emojis ? ( it was like that in the last chapter too ) ↓

 anyway, how's ur day ? has anyone noticed the question mark by the emojis ? ( it was like that in the last chapter too ) ↓

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