sixty - seven

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Jungkook's Pov :

"Get out." Namjoon hyung said.

"This is my house." I said and he shrugged.

"You need to get out and go see Taehyung. Or at least text him." Namjoon said and I rolled my eyes.

He doesn't understand. No one does. I loved Taehyung and he said he loved me too but surprise surprise, he still likes Yoongi hyung.

"Hyung. He told me that he still has feelings for Yoongi hyung. He likes him. Taehyung told me he loved me but somehow his liking for Yoongi is stronger or more important. I really just don't get it." I pouted, throwing my phone to the other side of the living room.

It crashed against the wall and fell to the floor. I let out a heartless chuckle before going to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips.

Namjoon didn't follow me but I could care less. He's been up my butt since I called him the other day.

I was in hysterics over the phone and he rushed over to my place to calm me down.

But that was days ago. I'm over it. I'm over it and Taehyung. We're obviously done so there is nothing for me to cry about anymore.

Namjoon's squealing brought me back into the living room but now I was accompanied by a bag of barbeque chips.

"What?" I asked emotionlessly. "Taehyung is being so cute. I mean he doesn't know that its me but still." As soon as those words left Namjoon's lips I dropped my bag of chips.

I ran over to him and grabbed my phone out of his evil hands.

"What the hell!? Hyung! I am not in any way sorry for the things I said to him!" I yelled and typed a quick reply.

'that was namjoon hyung so fuck off you dick face'

I sent the text and shoved my phone in my pocket. "Get out." I said and Namjoon groaned.

"I'm just trying to help Kookie. I want you to feel better." Namjoon said as he walked to the door.

"I am perfectly fine. I don't need him in my life anymore. The only thing I need in my life is you, Jin hyung, Jimin hyung, Hobi hyung, and Jin hyung's food." I said and Namjoon smiled.

"I'm happy I was first. Bye Kook, stop by whenever you need to." Namjoon kissed my cheek before leaving.

I sighed and shut the door. Leaning my back against it, I slid down to the floor.

Finally I was alone. But not for long because just as soon as I stood up someone knocked on the door.

I groaned and swung it open. Jimin pushed past me with something in his hands. It looked like a box but I wasn't sure.

"Hey Jiminie.. What do you have there?" I pointed to him. He was now hiding the box thingy behind his back.

"Please don't cry or kill me or punch anything but this is a box of stuff you left at Ta—"

I dropped to my knees and cried with my head in my hands. Yeah, I'm definitely over it.

He couldn't even bring his ass over to give my stuff to me. Its officially over now.

My stuff isn't at his place and now I guess I should give him his stuff back too.

I don't want to though. It all looked perfect. His t shirts that were on the floor in my room and his jacket that was on the couch.

It was meant to be there and I didn't want to move it.

"I don't want it.." I choked out and stood up, walking to my room. Or at least I tried.

Jimin held me back.

"Come on Jungkook. Taehyung doesn't want it either." He said and my heart broke.

"Of course he doesn't. He needs to make room for Yoongi's stuff." I grumbled and removed my hand from Jimin's hold.

"He isn't dating Yoongi. Do you know how sad he's been lately?" Jimin asked and I shrugged.

"Nothing compares to how sad I've been." I said and I thought it was true.

There was no way that anyone in this hell could ever be more hurt or broken than me. Jimin just rolled his eyes at me and kicked the box towards me.

"You know what Jimin? He wasn't sad when he sent me all the texts about how he liked Yoongi. He kept telling me that he loved me but how could he if he felt something for Yoongi too? I loved him with all my heart. I never once took a second glance at anyone, not even you. Not when you confessed to me and I might have liked you a little but I just kept thinking about Taehyung and I stopped myself from excepting your confession."

Jimin looked at me and bit his lip.

"Would you mind taking one glance at me now Jungkook? Right now with no one else on your mind, just me." Jimin said and I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked him up and down.

I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah.. Sure. Do you want to stay with me for awhile?" I asked and Jimin let a small smile form on his plump lips.

"I would love to." Jimin said and pressed a tiny kiss to the corner of my mouth.

I pulled him closer and hugged him tighter than ever before. If I was going to get through this then I was going to need him by my side.

I knew from that moment forward that Jimin would help a whole lot with all this.

"Thanks Jimin." I whispered and the short boy sighed.

"I haven't done anything yet." He whispered and I smiled. "I know." I whispered back and planted a light kiss in his orange hair.

I smirked and fell back on the couch, bringing Jimin with me.

He yelped and I laughed. "You scared me." Jimin said, smacking my chest.

"Sorry, I just had to." I smiled and he giggled.


He's just so beautiful.

a/n : why do i do this ?
me to myself : THE TITLE SAYS TAEKOOK HOE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING / also me : hmmmm will they get mad if i put taegi and jikook in this TAEKOOK book ? if so then GREAT

a/n : why do i do this ?me to myself : THE TITLE SAYS TAEKOOK HOE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING / also me : hmmmm will they get mad if i put taegi and jikook in this TAEKOOK book ? if so then GREAT

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if there are any errors then im sorry now i gotta do my homework byeeeee 💕


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