21. Goodbye

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I wake up the next morning thankful that it's a weekday and I actually have something to keep my mind occupied for a while. I climb out of Josh's bed and grab my ballet bag, changing into my outfit and grabbing my shoes. "You going somewhere?" Josh asks, his voice rough from sleep. I smile as I climb the ladder back up to his bed.

"I have class" I remind him, resting my arms on the mattress as I reach forward to brush the hair from his face.

"I know but I figured you'd skip" he whispers in response.

"I need something to keep my mind occupied" I explain. "If you want we can have lunch. Come pick me up after my class?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course babe" he replies sweetly as he puts his hand over mine. "Have a good class. If you need me just text me and I'll be there okay?" he checks making a smile pull at my lips.

"Your protectiveness is adorable" I compliment making him roll his eyes.

"Alright get out of here" he laughs making me smile as I lean into kiss his cheek.

"I love you."

"Love you too Penelope" he yawns. I climb back down the ladder and grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I yank open the door and head off to the studio. When I get there the room is empty and I'm thankful I'm early. The last thing I wanted was to be berated with questions. I go over to the barre to warm up, putting my earbuds in my ears and drowning out the outside world for a little while. It's not until I feel a tap on my shoulder that I'm broken out of my head. I take out my earbuds and stare up at Miss Laine.

"Good morning" I greet her politely.

"Good morning Maya" she replies with the same polite tone. "I wasn't expecting you to be in class for a few days. I heard what happened to your mother" she adds. I drop my head and take a deep breath, wanting to collect myself.

"Yea um" I stutter. "I'm sorry" I apologize automatically for my stuttering. "I'm a bit overwhelmed."

"That's to be expected" she smiles softly. "You're excused if you'd like to go" she adds but I shake my head.

"It's best that I throw myself into dancing right now" I explain. "Dancing is what got me through a lot of hard times and so far it's done a good job with this one."

"Oh?" she questions as a smile pulls at my lips and I nod as a couple girls wander in and begin their warm-ups.

"Yes" I nod. "I've actually chosen my showcase piece" I explain excitedly. "I was planning to do a number with Josh but" I trail off.

"There's always next year" she shrugs. "I look forward to seeing your solo Maya" she smiles before walking off to talk to the other girls who had walked in. I finish my warm-ups and walk over to my bag for my water bottle when Riley and Smackle walk in.

"You're here" Riley states, wide-eyed.

"So it seems" I reply as I sip my water.

"How are you? How's your mom?" she asks quickly, worry evident in her tone.

"I'm okay and I guess my mom is fine. Shawn hasn't called me with any updates so" I trail off. "How are you?" I ask curiously.

"I'm good" she smiles softly. "Smacks here has some news" she adds as she motions to our friend.

"What kind of news?" I question.

"The kind about me moving in with Farkle" Smackle informs me as she joins Riley and I. It makes the most sense, especially after I broke the news to my parents" she adds making my eyes widen in shock.

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