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seven years later

"Mummy! Fay and Luna are messing with me again!" A four year old Orion called out.

"Fay! Luna!" A pregnant Hermione yelled from the kitchen. "Stop messing with your brother!"

This would be Hermione and Draco's fifth child. Their oldest, Scorpius, was now twenty-two years old. Fay and Luna, their twins, were seven and Orion, their youngest right now, was four. When the two said they wanted a big family, they weren't kidding.

"But mum! He's so easy to mess with!" Luna replied, running into the kitchen with her sister following right behind her.

"That doesn't mean you should do it," Draco scolded, entering the room and pressing a kiss to his wife's cheek. "You two are so much like your godparents it's horrible. I knew we made a mistake when choosing them."

"Oh come on, Draco. Fred and George aren't that bad," Hermione laughed.

Draco snorted. "Whatever you say, love."

"Luna, Fay, go get your brothers. It's time for dinner."

"Yes mummy," the girls replied, one rushing off down the hallway and the other up the stairs.

. . .

The family of six was having a pretty normal dinner, there was barely any yelling from between the twins and Orion and almost no grumbling from Scorpius about how he had to move out before he went crazy (well, a normal enough dinner for them).

That all changed when Hermione's water broke, having Draco yell something incoherent to Scorpius about taking care of the kids before he floo'ed himself and Hermione to St. Mungos hospital.

Once there he rung up Harry and Ginny as he knew Hermione would want them both here. After that he called Pansy and Blaise, explaining the situation and asking if they wouldn't mind watching the children for a bit.

Hours had passed and soon enough Hermione was dilated enough to start pushing. It was only a matter of minutes until Draco would get to meet his new baby girl (he just hoped she wasn't as bad as the first two).

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, I am not doing this ever again," Hermione seethed out. He was used to this now so it didn't get to him anymore, just the normal angry words for her having to push out a baby for the fifth time. "You're getting fixed."

That did it. His eyes widened as he searched her face, looking for any sort of sign that Hermione was joking. She wasn't.

. . .

Ten minutes later, Draco held a baby girl in his arms. A small, 10 pound, blonde haired, brown eyed, baby girl. All of his children had blonde hair and grey eyes, but this one, this one had Hermione's eyes, and he loved it.

"Meet Aurora Jean Malfoy," Draco whispered as his and Hermione's friends, along with their children, gathered into the private room.

And, for once, for everybody except Draco who had to get his balls tied,

All was well

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