Draco Malfoy

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Draco Malfoy has posted a picture

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@dracomalfoy am i dangerous yet?

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not at all

try again

lol nope

how can we put this nicely...

never in a million years

i think you're dangerous if that counts for something

@hermionegranger you always count

@dracomalfoy love you

@hermionegranger love you too, baby

@hermionegranger you don't have to lie to him just because you're dating 'mione

@pansyparkinson oi! shove off or i'll show you just how dangerous i can be

@dracomalfoy it's okay draco, lighten up. you're very dangerous, baby. pansy was just joking

@hermionegranger no i wasn't

@pansyparkinson pansy!

@hermionegranger sorry

@dracomalfoy fine, you're very dangerous drake. now go give your girlfriend some love, she seems to need it

@pansyparkinson gladly

@dracomalfoy you can find her in the library!

@ginnyweasley ginny!

@hermionegranger i would say i'm sorry but i'm not... you really do need some love, you seem kinda upset today

@ginnyweasley thanks

@hermionegranger on my way

@hermionegranger and don't even think about leaving

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