Chapter 8

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"Do we have a problem here?" The security officer folded his thick arms across his chest.

Kate and Fern had been struck dumb once they'd realized that the head of security had walked up behind them. Fern's eyes had bugged out to fish-like proportions while Kate's mouth hung open.

"No problem," I said. "We were only joking."

He didn't appear convinced. "It sounded like this isn't the first crime you've been involved in."

"What? No, I mean, like we mentioned earlier, we've been involved in one or two incidents before," I said.

"One or two?" His gaze narrowed.

"Or three," I added.

He snapped his fingers. "Wait a second. Did you have anything to do with the murder at the Fairmont Hotel?"

"The Mayflower Hotel was the last one, actually," Kate said. "The Fairmont was the time before."

Now it was the officer's turn to appear surprised.

I glared at Kate. "You're not helping."

"He should be glad to have wedding planners like us around," Kate said. "We always helped the DC police solve the cases. Mostly by almost getting killed but, still, it was a help."

"Sometimes I got to wear a costume," Fern said. "I make a very convincing priest."

Both officers shifted their eyes from Fern to Kate and then to me. The darker one cleared his throat. "Let me be very clear. I do not need wedding planners running their own investigation. I do not want wedding planners running their own investigation. I do not want anyone wearing a costume."

Fern dismissed him with a glance. "Your loss. My performance was Oscar-worthy."

The blond officer leveled a finger at all three of us. "No investigating. I have this completely under control."

"Fine," I said. "We were only trying to help by asking people if they noticed anyone running—"

The darker officer cut me off. "Let us do the questioning, okay?"

I nodded but didn't respond.

He took a deep breath. "We called this in to the police—"

"What?" I cried. "But you promised Lorinda you'd wait."

The officer leveled his eyes at me. "If you'd let me continue, I was going to say that they can't send a team right away. Some sort of incident across town has most of their officers tied up so they won't be here right away."

I sighed with relief. There was a still a chance to save Lorinda's skin and keep the show on schedule.

"But my team is combing every inch of the building until the police arrive." He paused. "And we're questioning everyone."

"I'm glad to hear it," I said.

Fern cleared his throat. "If that's all, I need to go upstairs to finish the models for the fashion show."

"You'll have to be patted down by my guys if you leave the ballroom," the paler of the two officers said.

Fern eyed the two burly men posted at the doors. "Don't mind if I do." He winked at Kate and me over his shoulder as he headed toward the doors.

Once the security duo had walked off, Kate let out a breath. "What a killjoy. He's not nearly as fun as Detective Reese."

"No, he's not," I agreed. Detective Reese would have warned us off, as well, but he would have done it with a flirtatious smile. "And I doubt he has as much experience catching real criminals."

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