A: Colette 3

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I sprint outside with LM right behind me and follow the direction I thought she went in. I'm lead to a house that I didn't clear.

There's a tree house and it closes with a shut of the wood door. The gate to the backyard is open so I enter.

There's some toys and a banging sound. One of them is banging on the glass door.

"Hey. You there.", a scratchy voice comes out of nowhere. "The walkie.", the voice comes again and I spot it.

"Who are you? Are you hurt?", I ask calmly. "My name's Clementine. I'm in the 6th grade. I'm in the treehouse.", she says and I see a hand wave from the treehouse window.

"I know you. It's Colette from school. 8th grade. Why don't you come down?" It's silent but her answer comes, "But it's scary."

"I know but I can protect you. I promise. Do you know what's going on with the world?", I respond.

"Ok. I'll come down. Hold on.", and I see her open the treehouse door. She was quite shy at school and didn't talk to anyone.

Sort of a loner but that doesn't matter. "Hi. I'm not really sure of what's going on, just that it's scary.", she plays with one of her curls.

Clementine stops when she notices one of them banging on the glass. "Do you know what happened to her? Your mom?", I question.

"She's my babysitter. My parents went away to Atlanta to visit family and left me here since I still had school. I miss them. When will they come back home?", she seems lonely.

Oh dear. Atlanta blew up a month ago. I've been keeping track of the days on my calendar. It's the third of November now.

"Clem. I need you to listen to me. Your parents are gone. Atlanta was blown up a month ago. Have you been hiding here all this time?", I gesture to her hideout.

"Yeah.", she answers simply. "Clem, I'm going to train you on how to live in this world. Firstly, you need to kill your babysitter.", I instruct.

"WHAT?! WHY?! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!", Clementine is shaking. "She's not a she anymore Clem. She's one of them.", I let that sink in for a short time, "You need to kill it. It's ok."

I let her take one of my Sai's and open the door to let it out. It comes towards Clem and all she does is stand there.

Tears are rolling down her cheeks and she doesn't even move. I pull my other Sai out and kill it myself.

"What were you doing?! Clem, you needed to kill it! It's killed or be killed now. Do you hear me?!", I shake her shoulders.

She drops to her knees and the sobbing comes at its max. "I'm... I'm so sorry...", is all I manage to say.

Thankfully, LM interferes at the right moment and licks Clem's face. She starts to giggle and ends with hugging LM.

He rests his head on her shoulder and looks to me with his puppy eyes. What would I do without him?

"So... are you alright now?" She stands up while caressing LM's ear, "Yeah. It's ok. You're just trying to teach me how to survive."

Clem grimaces as her eyes scan her babysitter. "We should get going. It's getting dark but first you need to decide on your weapon.", I check the time on my watch.

It's 6 and it starts to get dark at 7. Being outside when it's dark is definitely not good.

"You're training me? After what just happened?", Clem furrows her brows. "Of course I am. Did you think I'd just leave you here? Come on! I'm not that mean.", I sigh with an eye roll.

"Alright. Let's go pick out my weapon then.", she makes her way into her house. "Come on LM. You can come.", I assure him.

The inside is pretty nice, except for the fact that there is blood everywhere. I find Clem in the kitchen rummaging through a drawer and pulls out a pretty case.

"Woah..." "Yeah. It was my dad's. He was an awesome Chef and every cook needs his own knife.", she removes the top.

I just watch and she continues, "He used this knife to chop through everything. I bet it would come to good use for me... and in memory of him."

I smile slightly. Although the world is ending, there is still reasons to smile. Clem takes it out and it's the most beautiful knife I've ever seen.

Not to mention it's huge and the design engraved on the handle is fabulous. "What meaning does your Sai's have to you?", she asks.

"I mastered their technique in Karate. I spent years understanding them and myself.", I answer. "Damn. That's deep.", she laughs.

"Hey! No cursing. Just 'cause your parents aren't here doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want.", I cross my arms and she laughs even more.

"Ready to go now?", Clem holds her knife. "Ok. Not cool. You need something that can hold it. Like a belt. Do you got that here?", I look around.

"I do actually. I was Jessie from Toy Story for Halloween a year ago. I bet I could still fit in the belt and put the knife where her gun was.", she dashes up the stairs and I trail behind her.

"Do you really think it could work? Isn't it plastic or something?", I sit on the edge of her bed. Her room is very pink.

"It's actually made of  real leather. My dad gave it to me to finish the costume that year.", she takes it out of the box and it fits perfectly around her waist.

She lets the knife fall into where the gun should've been and we're all set. We get back to my place before dark and Clem settles in.

She brought a few items along and I let her have my brothers room. I'm unloading my book bag when she sits on the couch.

"Thought you were going to bed.", I state while finishing the load. "Yeah. I can't sleep. Is there a way... that I can... you know... not sleep alone?", Clem blushes a little.

"Sure. We can sleep in my parents bed. It's big enough.", I offer and she nods. "How does the power still work?", she tilts her head.

"I don't know but let's make good use of it and watch a movie tonight.", I snatch a Disney movie off the shelf. "Lady & The Tramp it is.", we walk into my parents room.

I stop in the doorway. The last time I was in here was the day everything went to shit. Damn. That was pure hell and I'm still in it.

"You ok Col?", Clementine interrupts my thoughts. I pull myself out of it and set up the movie. Clem falls asleep immediately and I play with some of her curls.

Made me think about my mom's hair. God I miss her. LM moves the door with his head and jumps on the bed.

"Hi LM.", I reach over to pet him. He lies down and I continue to watch the movie. Eventually I fall asleep.

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