A: Colette 1

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Hi. My names Colette Devern. I'm 13 years old and in the 8th grade and I'm going to tell you when and where it all started.

I woke up on a Thursday morning and got ready for school. Did my hair and makeup and tried to make myself look presentable, not like that matters now since all that matters is survival but I'll get back to it.

I decided to ride the bus, an unusual choice for me, but I was too lazy to walk. I mean, it was seven in the morning.

I was tired! And it didn't help that Mr. Brew had given us a 4 page long study guide for the test on Friday.

"Colette? Decided to take the cheese to school?", my friend Mike teased me. "Yeah yeah yeah. I know I called it that at the beginning of the school year but that was then. Leave me alone.", I laughed and slid into his seat.

"Who said you could sit here?", he raised an eyebrow. "And why are you asking so many questions this morning?", I countered.

He shrugged, "Ok. Fair enough." The bus came to a stop and we got off. "Good morning.", I greeted our principal and he just smiled.

"Gonna wait out here 'til you can go to the library?", Mike shifted his weight. "Yup. The usual.", I replied. He should've known that.

It's what I always did .I liked doing it too because I liked routine and still do. Do my chores when I get home, then homework, then dinner, then shower, and bed here I come!

"Uh... C-... uhhh-", Mike started to stutter. I rolled my eyes for the first time of the day, "Mike. Just spit it out. Do you wanna wait with me or something?"

Mike smiled and I realized I'd made it easy for him. Shit. He's liked me since the start of school and I was starting to like him.

"Yeah. Sure.", he leaned against the wall next to me. We waited another 10 minutes to go to the library where I met up with my other friends.

We laughed, gossiped, and did what other teenagers do. By the way, I'm born and raised in small town Macon, Alabama.

Anyways, the day continued with school work, teachers yelling at other students, and lecturing. I didn't have a designated friend group but I do have many friends that participate in those groups.

"Colette! Wait up!", Mike rushed up beside me as I began my walk home. "What?", I questioned and eyeballed him.

I know when I do this to guys, it makes them uncomfortable. It was funny and entertaining. "Uh. Can I just walk you home?", he fumbled.

I nodded and turned around to keep walking. "Wait. So I can?", Mike walked beside me.

"Uh... duh. That's why I just nodded.", I gave him a side glance. "Woah woah woah. Hold it right there Mrs. Attitude.", he held up his hands and I just laughed.

I spotted the park and decided to take a few minutes on the swing. "Col! Where are you going?!", Mike shouted after me as I ran through the street.

A truck sped past as I landed on the other side. I turned around and gave him my devilish grin and walked towards the swings.

I knew he'd follow me, what else would he do? "So... why the swings?", Mike questioned while sitting in the one beside me.

"It's fun and no one's here." He did his own eyebrow raise, "Is that why I never see you at parties? You don't like the people?"

"Don't like is an understatement. I just like having fun... by myself.", I rolled my eyes. "Oh... so you touch y-", I cut him off before he could finish.

"Stop! No! That's not what I meant.", I snorted. "So...", the awkward air settled in. God I hated it. "So... I should start walking home.", I jumped up and started forward.

A force kept me from walking and I turned to see it was Mike holding the single strap of my book bag. Seriously? This scene again?

(One day I was crying and Mike grabbed my book bag like this and I accidentally hit him in the balls with my lunch box and ran off.) {A/N: This actually happened between the guy I liked and I lol}

It surprised me that he'd do this again. "Now don't hit me with your lunch box and second; you said I could walk you home.", he grinned my devilish grin.

"Using my own words against me, huh?", and we both began the walk to my house. It was really quiet until we got to the doorstep of my house.

"See ya tomorrow?" "See ya tomorrow.", I fumbled my keys and dropped them. Oh God that was so embarrassing.

"Here.", he picked them up and set them in my palm gently. I looked at them and looked back to him. I couldn't pull myself away from his blue eyes.

Those stupid, pathetic blue eyes. That's when he kissed me. It was only for a second but my lips were left warm from the contact.

I couldn't respond to it, which was stupid, but that's how my first kiss went. And guess what happened afterwards?

He ran away.

I was left confused, silent, and a lot of other emotions that couldn't be described. I unlocked my front door and entered my house while trying to act normal.

"Food smells good mom.", I smiled. "Compliments? Woah. That's new.", she laughed and set her famous flat potatoes on the dining room table.

The aroma filled the room and I breathed it in. That smell always made me comfortable. It was home. Not anymore though!

After doing my normal routines and stuff, I went to bed. Around midnight is when I woke up because I heard these awful noises. They were coming from my parents room.

My step dad came running out and I saw a glimpse of what was going on inside. My mom was eating her favorite dog; Jacks. My step dad closed the door and stared at me.

"What happened with mom? What is she doing?", I began to sob. Why was she eating her dog? I broke down to the floor and wouldn't stop crying.

"I- I don't know. She's not herself. Maybe she went insane or something. I'll talk to her.", and he grabbed a knife and disappeared in the room.

I heard yelling and everything went quiet. Too quiet. The door slowly opened and I saw my step dad really bloody.

Behind him was my mom, dead on the floor. Her body stank already. It was like she was already dead. The tears stopped suddenly and I grabbed the Aid Kit from the laundry room.

I started to clean my step dad up. He didn't say a word. Just clenched onto the bloody knife. I rubbed some alcohol on a cut and he jolted back from the burn.

He said he wasn't feeling well, obviously. He just killed his wife, I wouldn't feel well either. In a few hours, he was sweating terribly and running a fever.

Another hour later, his skin was a pale white with a dash of blue. At sometime in the morning, I heard noises from my brothers room. I locked myself in the bathroom to calm myself and I must've fallen asleep.

I looked in the doorway and saw him eating my brother. "What are you doing?!", I screamed and he turned around. His eyes were grey and goopy blood fell from his mouth.

He took a lazy step towards me and I backed into my room and locked the door. There was thump after thump and it wouldn't stop.

I snatched one of my Sai's off the wall and opened my door. I hid behind it and struck from behind but it wasn't working.

Every hit that I made on his abdomen didn't weaken him. He was also strong but got distracted when my cat, Cheeto, walked in.

I took that moment and drove my Sai into his eye and with that, he was dead. I fell to the floor and started bawling my eyes out.

My mom was dead. My brother was dead. My step dad was dead. Even Jacks was dead. Right in the middle of my breakdown, I heard footsteps.

I looked up and saw my brother with his guts hanging out. He lunged for Cheeto but I was quick enough and struck his head.

He fell limply and I fell too. The house started to stink bad so I drug their bodies outside behind the fence and covered them with leaves. Even Jacks.

At the time I didn't know how to react so I didn't. That's when I knew the world was going to hell and that's why I am where I am now.

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