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It was just one of those mornings. You'd gotten toothpaste on your blouse, and just after you'd changed, you spilled coffee all over yourself. You stubbed your toe on your way out the door, and dropped your car keys under your car. You cut your palm on a tiny rock trying to retrieve them. Your favorite CD that you liked to listen and sing to on your way to work kept ejecting from your stereo system. You shoved it in multiple times as you followed the traffic in to work. You had looked off the road for just a second, trying to get the CD to work, when you felt your car bump into the back of another.

You had been travelling at a steady crawl, so luckily there wouldn't be much damage, but you still felt stupid. You saw the driver in the car in front of you throw his arms in the air angrily. You rolled down your window and waved at him, motioning for him to pull into the corner store parking lot up ahead. The drivers motions were quick and sharp, and you could picture him cursing and growling as he aggressively drove into the lot, parking at the back. You followed him there and parked beside him, groaning the entire time.

You saw him leap from his car. He was a dark haired sharp featured man, in a very expensive looking suit. His brows were turned down furiously. He was already yelling at you before you even got out of your car with your insurance information in your hand. "Are you blind? You've got to be kidding me! I don't have time for this!" He whined.

"I'm so sorry," you said calmly. "I wasn't paying attention."

His expression seemed to soften as he looked at you, seeing you for the first time. You didn't give him another chance to speak before you handed him the information he would need. He took it with a stunned expression.

"I'm sorry, you're right. It was an accident," he said innocently.

"Oh," you said, a little surprised by his change of heart. "That didn't take much convincing."

The man smiled slightly, his eyes twinkling. "Would you prefer I yell at you some more?"

You chuckled. "You sound like you do your fair share of yelling. Lawyer?"

"ADA. That obvious?" He asked curiously.

"The suit doesn't lie," you said playfully. "But now I feel even worse. You lawyers are always run off your feet, you really don'thave time for this."

His eyes seemed to sharpen. They were black, burning into you like lasers. "I guess you'll just have to make it up to me," he said with a crooked smile.

You cocked an eyebrow. "And how would you propose I do that?"

The man reached into his pocket. He handed you a card. "ADA Rafael Barba," you read aloud.

"I'll cover the damage, but you're going to have to take me out for a drink," Barba stated playfully, his eyes dilating.

You felt your heartbeat begin to race. Barba's eyes were like perfect windows. You would've known what he'd said if he hadn't uttered a word. "I think that could be arranged, counselor," you said confidently.

Barba smiled again. "Good. Call that number, my secretary will transfer you to me," he said.

"But I haven't given you my name," you said simply.

"You can tell me when you buy me that drink," he said with a smirk.

He didn't wait another moment before rushing off. You stood there in stunned silence for a moment. You ran over the story in your head, how you'd tell your favorite co-worker. You'd gotten a date with an attractive lawyer by ramming into the back of his car. She'd never believe you.

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