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  • Dedicated to NaNoWriMo (because this is what happens during writers block)

I am sitting here writing words

Words that escape my mind,

Words that are just words,

And words that are so kind.

They all scramble around inside my head

Wondering where to go,

And then I open up my mouth with words unsaid

And just let them all flow.

Just like an invisible thread

I sew my sentences with care

And all I dread is what I have said,

Is not being breathed in as well as air.

I emailed this in for my "school" 's Litterary magazine "King Author" to be considered to be put in. The teacher in charge, Mr. Kramer, told me up front that most first time submissions do not get published. The main reason for that is that they tend to suck. After I emailed it in he told me he was impressed, later I found that was huge comming from him.

That was November. It is now May 2012. I went to Mr. Kramer's room to talk to him about King Author. He apologized for not emailing me and having me help he was very busy and forgot to do it. He handed me the finished book saying "All authors get a free copy" I walked through the halls, getting many glares as i bumped into people, not that i noticed, devouring the book and the fact that my first time submission was included.

As I came into class I was so excited a friend asked me if i was high....I flushed with shock but the excitment overpowered it after a couple seconds. "No I'm not high, I just found out I am a published poet!"

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