Quiz Answers

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I'm not going to be answering the questions that I think the answer to is obvious, but I've added some questions to try and make up for it 


Question | Draco's answer | Harry's answer

What facial features of your partner's are most prominent?

His square jawline and eyebrows are what I notice first about him when I see him.

His eyes and lips because those are what catch my eye when I look at him.

What is one aspect of your partner that you dislike?

He's moody and always thinks he knows what's best when he doesn't even think before doing something. He also acts like he's better than others just because he's famous. He also thinks he's a better wizard, which he isn't. Also his loyalty to his obnoxious friends.

He'll do anything he can to feel like he's in charge of a situation. He's the proudest person you'll ever meet and thinks he's better than everyone else just because of his family's reputation. He thinks that you aren't worth the time of day if you aren't a pure-blood Slytherin. He always has a smug look on his face that shows he thinks he's better at everything, which isn't true.

How does your partner display affection?

He can be gentle and thoughtful at times. He doesn't immediately force me to do things he knows I'm uncomfortable with. He has also helped me save face in public when he didn't have to.

The main way he shows affection is getting physically close. Leaning against you, nuzzling close, things like that. Maybe it's just because he isn't used to being held, maybe it's because he means it. I'm not always sure.

In as much detail as possible, describe the texture of your partner's hair.

It's softer than I though it would be., almost velvety. It's also really thick and feathery.

It's thin and usually has a lot of product in it that makes it stiff, but when it doesn't, it's really soft.

In as much detail as possible, describe the texture of your partner's hands.

The mounds of his hands are really calloused after years of having to work outdoors. His fingertips are the most calloused though as his Quidditch gloves don't cover them. The palms and backs of his hands, however, are relatively soft.

His hands are really soft all over, but his fingers more so. They're nice, but kind of like a girl's hand. His fingertips are tougher than the rest of his hand, but still not exactly calloused.

In as much detail as possible, describe the texture of your partner's lips.

They're firm, and usually quite chapped, but nice. Kissable.

Soft, plump, and addicting.

Does your partner have any freckles, beauty/stretch marks, scars, moles, etc. If so, where?

 Well, he has a scar on his forehead I don't think too many people know about.

He has more noticeable freckles on his inner right thigh, back of his left shoulder, and a lower back.

How does your partner make you feel when together in this class?

Nervous, confused, sometimes angry, and cared for, but mostly frustrated.

A mix of confusion, eagerness, the feeling of being needed, and irritation.

What do you believe your partner is best at, oral or physical sex?



How does your partner's body react when approaching climax?

His stomach tenses, his legs go stiff, and his arms start to shake. His eyes gloss over and his mouth opens silently.

His stomach goes concave, body becomes covered in goosebumps, and he shakes all over. He also gets loud.

What would you say your partner's go to move is while intimate (not exclusively during intercourse)?

Pulling the hair at the back of my neck and messing with my ears.

Sucking on my tongue when we kiss.

What is the biggest thing you have learned about your partner during this semester?

He's just as confused as I am, and have been since before I was. When we had to take veritaserum the first week of he class, he admitted that he wanted this. He has never been shown much affection, and now that he is, I think it scares him. Not of the affection, but of who it's coming from. We are on different sides of a war, buggering, snogging, and liking it. Fancying, or at least shagging, someone you've hated from day one and ending up craving that sensation is the most confusing thing.

That confusion is  always there in the back of our minds.  Knowing that we share that feeling makes me feel like I can actually understand him for once.  This semester has shown me that Draco Malfoy and I are not all that different.


I don't even know if this was cute or not but I hope you liked it anyway *shrug* -k

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