Chapter 5

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Jax left shortly after and I just decided to skip this class period because Jax wasn't to be there but Phil and I honestly don't want to see him at the moment.

The bell rung and I decided to go to lunch in hope of Alexia being in there because I never go to the lunch room. I kept my head down hoping Dan or Phil wouldn't see me and I saw Alexia sitting in the corner by herself.

"Whats up cutie."

"Oh you actually came I didn't think you would show up I thought you would've  skipped or something because I didn't see you leave the back of the school. "

"I did skip but just that class period I need new friends Dan, Sean, Mark , and Jax can only old me for so long."

"What about Phil?"

"Me and him don't he knows stuff about me that I don't like."

After a while of us talking we heard a trey be put down at the table and I looked and saw Phil walking away. There was a note under the trey.

Eat or I will tell Dan.

"What does it say?"

"Oh nothing just Phil being a douche."

I looked on the trey and saw the things that I hated to eat oh that douche. It had guacamole and chips, grilled cheese, a bowl of nuts ,some dark chocolate, and a soda.

"That's a weird lunch."

"Um yeah foods that I love."

I decided on eating the food because I really didn't want Dan to know but I will just throw it up anyways. I understand Phil is trying to help me but the food he gave me are really high-fat food that may be healthy kill me inside.

I started feeling really sick with my self so I ask Alexia if I could go to the bathroom but right when I got to the door Dan showed up thanks Phil.

"Max what are you doing in here you never go in the cafeteria."

"Yeah Max your never in the cafeteria."

I glared at Phil because he knows what he is doing.

"Um Alexia ask if we could talk here so I said why not um I really got to pee."

It wasn't a lie I did have to pee but that wasn't the reason I was going to go to the bathroom

Dan nodded his head and walked away while Phil stayed where he was.

"Phil can I please go to the bathroom."

"Only if you promise me your just going to the bathroom to pee and that's it or I will tell Dan there's no point of eating something just to throw it and you know how Dan feels about eating disorders because of his old one."

"Yes I know dont make me feel like shit I know I remember that and I promise I wont do anything  as long as you don't tell Dan I really don't need him worrying about me okay."

At this point I was getting upset with him cause seeing Dan worry breaks my heart and with me doing this is the worst fucking thing. When I was dating Dan he had an eating disorder and at the time I still had mine and every once in a while I would get sick and he thought it was just me being sick but it was because I wouldn't eat and when I did I would throw it up and that's not good but I did it and I still do but seeing Dan worry sucks because if he gets to worried he gets stressed and with stress with him comes breaking down crying and I hated seeing that so I acted like I was okay and I still do and it works.

"Okay I wont tell him as long as you don't do it."


He walked to his table while I walked out of the cafeteria. I took a deep breath and I ran around the school for a bit if I couldn't throw the food up Ill run it off.

After 5 minutes of running I walked back to the cafeteria kinda out of breath

Walking back to Alexia's table I had to leaned on the wall because I was getting light headed running was not my greatest idea ever but eh.

Phil looked at me in shame while I was out of breath. If he tells Dan I will never forgive him for anything.

 I sat down at the table and smiled at her.

"That was a long bathroom break."

"Yeah sorry I got stopped then There was a line in the bathroom it was madness then I ran here."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Nah you good its high school."

After a little bit of time my head got back to normal and the bell rang and I just decided to leave I gave Sean a warning saying I wasn't going to be there that I was leaving the rest of the day.

I walked out of the school and smiled and went home I saw a car there and I sweared to myself something happened to make my ma come home early. I opened the door and saw beer bottles on the floor and a man in the living room. He looked at me questioning who I was.

"Who are you?"

"The real question is who are you, your the one in my house."

"No this place belongs to Linda Mcloughlin."
(I couldn't find what Jacks mothers name is I did do research and I couldn't find it sorry.)

"I'm her son."

"She didn't tell me she had a son especially one that looks like a girl."

"I do not look like a girl."

"Boys don't where crop tops sweetie maybe you just like your  a boy to make you feel better about your body."

"Wheres my mom."

"In the kitchen."

I walked in the kitchen and saw her making food. I hit the door making her jump.

"Oh Maxi what are you doing home did you have a bad day at school you know I don't like you skipping it gives off a bad reputation."

"Yeah, yeah who is that man I want him gone."

"Oh him he is my new boyfriend I thought I should try up dating again what do you not like him he is a sweet heart when you get to know him."

"Um no he isn't mom he called me a girl and said I pretend to be  a boy to make me feel better about my body he said I couldn't wear crop tops, I don't look like a girl do I?"

"Oh no Maxi you don't at all your my baby boy don't listen to him I will explain everything to him okay."

"Mom I understand Sean is 10 minutes older then me but I'm not a baby."

"You will always be my baby I know I can be really rude and I'm sorry about that but I love you okay."

"Alright I love you too mom."

I walked back into the living room and glared at him.

"Okay listen you might be her new boyfriend but lets get one thing straight I'm a boy and I have a twin brother named Sean who likes to be called Jack we live here with our mom and I don't need your attitude."

"I'm not being threatened by a girl okay sweetie now go play with your dollies and princesses and watch my little pony."


"What is it Max."

"Tell him please he isn't listing to me."

"Listen Tom Max he is my baby boy he may be transgender but he is still my boy and if you hae a problem with that then you can leave."


My mom left and I went into my room and told Sean about how mom was home and how she got a new boyfriend and he is as scared as much as I am.

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