Chapter 4

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I left the house kinda unstable but okay enough to walk and chill.

I went to the park and sat down on the swings at like 1 in the morning. I zoned out not paying attention to anything until I felt the swing next to me get sat on I looked and saw Alexia was sitting there.

"Oh hey."


I looked at her and smiled.

"Oh so she can speak."

She laughed and nodded her head."

"So what brings you here on a fine well morning."

"Parents are home and fighting you?"

"Well my dad left when I was 14 and my mom is currently in Ireland at a wedding me and my brother were not invited to and I had an anxiety attack from some bad memories at home so I came here."

"Oh that's not nice."

"No not really but is anything nice with life."

"Yes you just need to find it I mean your pretty nice sometimes."

"Oh yeah sorry about the whole fight thing by your locker I didn't want to fight by your locker."

"I know people are rude though you cant really stop them you can try but you cant. Oh and by the way you shouldn't smoke it really causes bad things with your body."

"Yeah Ive been told that a lot."

"Then why keep doing it."

"The same way a lot of people keep doing that they do it makes me feel better."


I got off the swings and started walking away until she said something.

"Your looking good by the way your gaining weight before you where really skinny it was scary I don't want you to get hurt."

I panicked and ran home if she noticed my weight I'm gaining weight and I cant do that.

I got home and saw Dan and Sean left again and it was just Phil he was in the living room watching Pokemon while I ran into my room ignoring him.

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door and looked myself in the mirror

Your fat
You need to lose weight
Your stupid for eating more
Why did you ever think you where okay
Your never okay
Your stupid and fat

I started to cry again and sat down by the toilet and heard Phil trying to open the door cause he knows what I'm doing I tried making my self throw up for a bit and failing but Phil manged to open the door and stopped me.

"Let me do this I need this!"

"No I'm not letting you do this you need to calm down."

"I'm gaining weight the weight I tried so hard to get rid of it she noticed people are started to notice I'm getting fat and everyone knows!"

I was now hitting his shirt but crying in it as he sat down trying to calm me down today is just not my day.

"Max your okay people are noticing because you look healthier you look happier."

"No your lying stop lying to me everyone is lying!"

Phil just shushed me and made me fall asleep somewhere."

*Next day*

I woke up on my bed with a massive headache  and saw Phil was ready for school.

"Dude did you not wake me up for school?"

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