Step Four: Don't Forget the Music

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"Yes, Dad, I understand. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

As soon as you hung up, Lin was back at the piano, trying to get a melody out before he forgot it. "Rum or Scotch?" He asked.

"Vodka. I need the burn."

"Well, that's a bit sadistic, don'tcha think?" He chuckled before directing you to the bottle.

"You haven't met my father."

You walked back over to the piano and gestured for him to scoot over on the bench. He glanced over at you as he played through a phrase. The bottle was already at your lips before he could get his words out, "No, don't drink from the-" He sighed.

You squeezed your eyes shut while the burning sensation made its way down your throat.

"Ugh, why didn't you tell me that's a bad idea? I'm not in college anymore."

"So you were a party girl in college?"

You sat the bottle down, suddenly interested in the wooden furnishing of the piano, "What are you writing?"

"I don't know." He answered. "I mean, I think it's the finale to act one, but I can't figure out how to combine all the melodies I'm thinking about."

"You can't combine melodies? This coming from the guy who wrote 96,000?"

The piano notes abruptly stopped as he looked up at you. "I didn't know you knew about In The Heights."

"I did my research." You shrugged, a shy smile on your lips. "It's really good."


You chuckled at the little smile on his face as he resumed his piano playing. You were never really that great with music, but when a melody came up that you recognized you stopped him.

"What?" Lin asked.

"Who sings that part?"


"Have Alexander sing it."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "But why? It's Eliza's melody and Alexander is the only lucky one at the time. He's about to work for the president-"

"And leave Eliza in the process."

Just then, a lightbulb went off in Lin's head. "That's great. And now Eliza feels helpless. Even though he got what he wanted, he still wants more for himself, for his family." He got and dashed to his notes, making sure he got every thought down in paper before his mind went blank. "Seriously, Y/N, you are the best."

"I try." You said as you watched him scribble in his notepad.

You turned back to the piano and stared down the sheet music. You don't know what possessed you to try and recall what little you learned about music in high school, but your hands rested on the keys. Although you were going incredibly slow, you were playing a phrase of the song, catching Lin's attention.

"You're a natural."

"You don't have to lie." You chuckled when you hit a sour note.

"I could teach you, ya know."

"You've got enough on your plate with this musical."

"I can make time." He insisted.

"You can't even force yourself to take a break." You told him. "Look, after this goes to Broadway, and the ghost of Hamilton is off your back, then you can be my piano instructor."

"Can't wait." He grinned.

"So, you're going on a date with him?"

"It's not a date, Haley." You rolled your eyes as she picked out another dress, holding it to your body. "It's just a gala."

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