My Little Mudkipz <3 By: SliverCookie23 XD (( SkyDoesMinecraft FF))

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Ashley is a "normal" teenage girl, NOT! Ashley has been threw to much to be in an a FAMOUS HOUSE. Ashley has Light, almost white, blonde hair. Her eyes are Bright blue and almost like the sky. She wears her Mudkippers hoodie. Black and White converse. Orange shorts. She lives by TEAM CRAFTED'S house. She knows them because she met HuskyMudkippers and SkyDoesMinecraft. Adam saw love at first sight. He got her number and everything...... STORY TIME!

Ashley's POV

I was in a deep, lovely sleep until, BEEP! BEEP! My IPhone went off. "Ugh." i groan and grab my phone off my night stand. "Text from Adam." i said. "He said wanna play some Cops N Robbers?" i told myself. I replied with just a "sure! <3." "Gotta get dressed!" i yelled. I put my Mudkipz hoodie and orange shorts on. I curled my hair and threw my hood on. "LET"S DO DIS!" i yell. I got a bag of chips a blanket got all my recording stuff ready and got a glass of sprite and some headphones. I joined Adam's call. "Hai." i say warmly. "Hello!" they all say at the same time. "Derp, LET'S DO DIS!" I scream. Ty, Adam, Tyler and Jason started laughing their booty's off. "IMMA BE DA WARDEN!" i yell. "Ah, Oh, Ally wants to join the call, is that okay with you Adam?" i asked really politley. "Of course!" he said.

Ally Time......... 


This is the first chapter guys, i'm just going to go get food out of my pantry i'll BRB guys just sit tight!

My Little Mudkipz &lt;3 By: SliverCookie23 XD (( SkyDoesMinecraft FF))Where stories live. Discover now