Chapter 2: Welcome to Paradise!

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**Author's Note**

Yay!!! Finally posted....with finals and essays I've been kinda busy so i don't know when i'll be able to post without staying up into the wee hours of the morning...(which i do anyways..... -___-)

So this chappie is longer (not by much i think) But i do like it and PLEASE comment i would really like some feed back~ Enjoy

~Chapter Two~

Welcome to Paradise!

I sat in my car, staring at the sign.




I couldn’t believe that I was actually here. I don’t know what drove me to come here, maybe the thought of living in an orphanage for 2 months was worse then living here, Nowhere Florida. I shifted my car out of park and pulled into the town. The first thing I noticed was the size; not only was the population small so was everything else. It was all Mom & Pop shops; this place probably had never even seen a Starbucks or McDonald’s.

But it had a nice cozy feeling, I had to admit, the whole place was like a boardwalk, paved roads and elevated wooden sidewalks. Everyone walking around looked like tourists or beach bums, fanny packs around their waist and surfboards tucked under their arm, very stereotyped. Once I got pass the local area I came across iron gates with Paradise Estates scrawled in fancy gold letters across it. Just passed them there were large houses that loomed over everything else casting shadows on the rest of the town, practically screaming out how rich those people were.

I gazed down at the piece of notebook paper in my right hand; just pass Paradise Estates turn on the first dirt road you see. Itwas written on it in Kathleen’s neat cursive. After 5 minutes of driving I came across a dirt road, all I could see were trees that only got thicker as further down the path. Soon after I took a sharp turn a house came into view.

It was relatively big but had a warm, homey feeling to it. The house had a grey roof and had various vines crawling up the stonewalls. The wrap around porch was covered in potted plants; on the floor, hanging, in the windowsill, you name it. Off to the side was a deck sticking out over a vast, glimmering lake, it was breathtaking. 

I parked my car off to the side on a patch of grass, gathering up my things and heading to the door. I knocked a few times, no answer, so I tried the handle, unlocked. I pushed it open and entered. “H-hello?” I wasn’t really expecting a welcoming party but at the least someone to greet me at the door, I mean they seemed overly excited to hear that I was coming. I widened my eyes, what if I had the wrong house? This would be trespassing I could get arrested!

 “Star Light?” I heard a voice from out back, soon Kathleen appeared at the entryway. “Oh Star Light! I’m sorry I didn’t hear you come in.” I shook my head.

“It’s fine Kathleen.” She walked over, in graceful long strides, grasping my hand.

“Please, call me Rain.” It took all my will not to roll my eyes. Thinking, I highly doubt I will.

“Then, call me Stella.” She nodded, her smile faltering for a brief second the popped back in the blink of an eye. “Phoenix is manning the bookstore right now, but he’ll be back in time for dinner!”

“Phoenix?” I asked, not certain I wanted to know.

“Oh, pardon me, Paul. Well I hope you’ll feel at home here in our little abode. Your room should be up the steps and the second door to the right.” She turned and headed out towards what I guessed to be the backyard.

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