New story

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Sorry guys, not an update. One will come soon though 

I've had this story idea for a while and have finally decided to do something with it so here we go!

Everything happens for a reason

Elsa's life has always been rough and painful. She would have trouble studying, struggled, actually still struggling, with anxiety and depression, had a child at sixteen and much more. It doesn't help that the child's father is in prison.

With no family to turn to and her on the brink of getting fired, life couldn't get much worse... Could it?

One night when running from thugs and protecting her child, she runs into her childhood bully Jack Frost.

For better or for worse?

"My life was always terrible Jack. But instead of giving me a break, I guess the world wasn't done with spilling crap on me yet."

"Everything happens for a reason. Good or bad."

I scoffed, "with my luck it will be bad."

He took my hand, looked a me with soft eyes and smiled sadly, "you sure about that?"

you can find it in my profile. Thanks for the support guys


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